Run the game file using python3

Press Q or K to choose your hero as Queen or King respectively: King is a melee attacker, does more damage than the Queen Queen is a ranged attacker, but does less damage than the King

The heroes are user controlled characters, use to the following keys to control them.

[W] [A] [S] [D] for moving Up, Left, Down, and Right respectively [Space] to attack The Queen has a special attack and can be used by pressing [E], the attack takes place after a delay of 1 second.

Army controls:

1 2 3 are spawnpoints for Barbarians 4 5 6 are spawnpoints for Balloons 7 8 9 are spawnpoints for Archers

R for rage H for heal

After beating a level, you will proceed to the next. There a total of 3 levels, each harder than the previous.

~ Good Luck, Have Fun ~