
Vue Application that I built for CodeDrills as an internship assignment.

Primary LanguageVue


Created a single page Vue App for a CodeDrills internship assignment. The app contains the following scoreboard UI with options to search, sort, and filter by various categories. I have even added an option to view only those users who have solved select problems. It is also possible to view the submissions by clicking on any of them.


Which takes us to following submissions page in which I have added a CodeMirror component to show the submitted code. There are also options to copy the code and change the theme of the editor.


Project setup

Clone the repository by downloading the project zip or using the SSH key. Then use cd into the project folder and then run

npm install

in the terminal.

To compile and hot-reload for development


npm run serve

in the terminal. Then visit


on any browser to access the app.

To compile for production

npm run build