Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-ODSyncedItemConfig - Not handling multiple selected Onedrive sync folders
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Thank you for this potentially great tool.
When passing through multiple synced onedrives, either directly or through Out-gridview, only a single instance is handled by the "Remove-ODSyncedItemConfig" command, afterwards the Onedrive Client process restarts.
Get-ODClients | Get-ODSyncedLibraryConfig | select -expandProperty SyncedFolders | Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-ODSyncedItemConfig.
Wow, that was a quick response!
I have tried going with the "Foreach" approach, but as the onedrive client restarts, this doesn't seem to work, unfortunately.
Handling a lot of synced onedrives, makes the Onedrive client really slow, i don't know of any way to wait for onedrive to be ready, but as the onedrive process startup is so absurdly slow when handling a lot of synced onedrives, i'm afraid that approach is really no good.
Hi @PsychoData
Have you had any chance to look at this?
We, as many other i think, are still suffering from Onedrives horrible way of handling a large number of synced Onedrives, it would be a great help, if you got the above mentioned method working.