
With this small programm you can change the densitiy of youre traffic in ETS 2

MIT LicenseMIT

ETS2 traffic density changer

There is a new update so that the UI looks slightly different!

With this small programm you can change the densitiy of youre traffic in ETS 2

How to start:

If youre game is running close it now!

When starting the programm you see this menu:


To change the density enter 1 and press enter.

After that it should look like that:


In this field you enter the amount of traffic.
10 is the maximum
1 is the minimum

Press enter and you are ready to go!

Reset to default:

When using the program the first time it creates a backup from the original config.
To load the backup just enter 2.
After that the original file is loaded and the from the programm createt files get deleted!

Something not working?

Message me on Github or on Discord

Discord: psydooo