
Repository - EssentialEEGAnalysis

This repository is for materials of workshop in Psychology department, Korea University, 2018.
The workshop is EEG analysis workshop including signal processing theory, preprocessing, time-frequency analysis, connectivity analysis, etc.
The main goal of the workshop is reaching the level that analyze one's own EEG data, calculate statistical results, and make figures can be used for article publication.
The workshop is held in during spring semester, 2018.

If you need sample EEG datasets for practicum of preprocessing and ERP, ERSP analysis,
please download sample EEG files in following adresses.

sample EEG datasets for preprocessing(Chapter9)
sample EEG datasets for ERP & ERSP(Chapter10)
Source localization illustration example with FieldTrip(Chapter13)
Prism 7 and BrainNet Viewer(Chapter16)

All other materials you can find in this repository, sorry for your inconvenience. This is because of Github file size limitation.

If you need further helpful advice for AMICA, EEGLAB toolbox, check this page.


-Fourier Analysis
-Time-Frequency Analysis
-Negative Frequency
-Practicum : Preproecssing
-Practicum : ERSP & ERP
-Practicum : STUDY function in EEGLAB
-Basic connectivity
-Granger Causality
-Source Localization
-Practicum : Brainstorm
-Brain Networks
-Practicum : GraphVar
-Practicum : Prism 7
-Practicum : BrainNet Viewer