
Modbus TCP <-> MQTT gateway. YAML configuration.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


this is my rebuild of my fork from a fork from a fork from modbus4mqtt by tjhowse. I have added Double (float64), multiple servicefiles, singlerun option (--loop False), cleaned up wrong templates. Removed docker as i use service files. updated readme and installation.

thanks to tjhowse for the main project
thanks to JPSteindlberger for float support
thanks to a-s-z-home for float support and modbus_interface with units and serial support




# if not running as root
  sudo -s

#clone the repo and move to destination
git clone https://github.com/Pubaluba/modbus4mqtt_rebuild
mv modbus4mqtt_rebuild /etc/modbus4mqtt
cd /etc/modbus4mqtt

#install python and requirements
apt install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

#move the service file to systemd and reload systemd
mv *.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload

#get your python version
version=$(python3 --version | cut -c 8- | cut -f1,2 -d'.')
#install the python-file to dist
mkdir /usr/local/lib/python$version/dist-packages/modbus4mqtt
mv *.py /usr/local/lib/python$version/dist-packages/modbus4mqtt

#make executeable
chmod 777 /etc/modbus4mqtt/*

#move the binary 
mv modbus4mqtt /usr/local/bin/

#create config folders
mkdir status
mkdir loop
mkdir power

#first run
modbus4mqtt --help

#test your config (example:)
modbus4mqtt --mqtt_topic_prefix "***" --hostname "***" --config /etc/modbus4mqtt/****.yaml
test.sh /complete/path/to/config

if your want to run a single run, add "--loop False" 

use cron for singlerun:

I have provided unix service files. the

autopower and the autostatus scripts

do not loop ! they need to be called every time.

these script are starting every yaml in related folder as own Service.

the servicefiles dont have restart settings. both also use the related folder and are running without being delayed by other instances. if you us LTE/Mobile data, you can save data with defined intervall.

crontab -e 

you can use cron every 5 min for yield data:

*/5 * * * *  /etc/modbus4mqtt/autostatus

you can use cron every 10 sec for power data

* * * * * /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower
* * * * * (sleep 10 ; /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower)
* * * * * (sleep 20 ; /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower)
* * * * * (sleep 30 ; /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower)
* * * * * (sleep 40 ; /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower)
* * * * * (sleep 50 ; /etc/modbus4mqtt/autopower)

to use a service with "updaterate" setting:

with version 0.9, the poll of the devices is threaded. after the sleep (update_rate) is past, the thread is restartet. still, a little amount of time is spend for the script, so a update_rate of "3" results in example 3.012345 seconds depending on CPU speed. if poll has to poll multiple devices and times-out with some of them to more then 3 seconds in our example, the poll finisches before a new thread gets started an the time raises above 3 seconds.

copy a ./template/.yaml file to /etc/modbus4mqtt/loop/

systemctl start modbus4mqttloop@"yourfile(include!.yaml)" 

systemctl status modbus4mqttloop@"yourfile(include!.yaml)"

systemctl enable modbus4mqttloop@"yourfile(include!.yaml)"

the service's use the hostname as prefix

u can change this by editing the service files in /etc/systemd/system/ the autoloop file can be used instead: every .yaml in /etc/modbus4mqtt/loop will be started be this script. use cron or similar

crontab -e

@reboot /etc/modbus4mqtt/autoloop

use the commandline

modbus4mqtt --help

make you own command, script, servicefile, etc

Yaml Configuration

Modbus device settings

url: tcp://
#url: serial:///dev/ttyUSB1?comset=8E1
update_rate: 30  # only used for "--loop True"
address_offset: 0 
scan_batching: 100
word_order: highlow
Field name Required Default Description
url Required N/A The address of the modbus device to be polled. modbus TCP/IP and serial is supported. I suggest using mbusd https://github.com/3cky/mbusd for serial devices if you want to pull multiple data with different rates. Serial does not support multiple clients when opend
update_rate Optional 5 The number of seconds between polls of the modbus device. only used in loop modus.
address_offset Optional 0 This offset is applied to every register address to accommodate different Modbus addressing systems. In many Modbus devices the first register is enumerated as 1, other times 0. See section 4.4 of the Modbus spec.
variant Optional N/A Allows variants of the ModbusTcpClient library to be used. Setting this to 'sungrow' enables support of SungrowModbusTcpClient. This library transparently decrypts the modbus comms with sungrow SH inverters running newer firmware versions.
scan_batching Optional 100 Must be between 1 and 100 inclusive. Modbus read operations are more efficient in bigger batches of contiguous registers, but different devices have different limits on the size of the batched reads. This setting can also be helpful when building a modbus register map for an uncharted device. In some modbus devices a single invalid register in a read range will fail the entire read operation. By setting scan_batching to 1 each register will be scanned individually. This will be very inefficient and should not be used in production as it will saturate the link with many read operations.
word_order Optional 'highlow' Must be either highlow or lowhigh. This determines how multi-word values are interpreted. highlow means a 32-bit number at address 1 will have its high two bytes stored in register 1, and its low two bytes stored in register 2. The default is typically correct, as modbus has a big-endian memory structure, but this is not universal.

Register settings

  - pub_topic: "forced_charge/mode"
    set_topic: "forced_charge/mode/set"
    retain: true
    pub_only_on_change: false
    table: 'holding'
    address: 13140
      enabled: 170
      disabled: 85
    unit: 8  ## defaults to 1
  - pub_topic: "forced_charge/period_1/start_hours"
    set_topic: "forced_charge/period_1/start_hours/set"
    pub_only_on_change: true
    table: 'holding'
    address: 13142
  - pub_topic: "voltage_in_mv"
    address: 13000
    scale: 1000
  - pub_topic: "first_bit_of_second_byte"
    address: 13001
    mask: 0x0010
  - pub_topic: "load_control/optimized/end_time"
    address: 13013
    json_key: hours
  - pub_topic: "load_control/optimized/end_time"
    address: 13014
    json_key: minutes
  - pub_topic: "external_temperature"
    address: 13015
    type: int16
  - pub_topic: "minutes_online"
    address: 13016
    type: uint32

  - pub_topic: "Yield"
    json_key: "PV inverter"    # use "" for spaces
    address: 53
    unit: 8
    type: float

  - pub_topic: "Yield"
    json_key: Windturbine
    address: 210
    unit: 255
    type: double

  - set_topic: Stop/set     # u need to create to topic on your mqtt-server by yourself, 
    address: 4              # can be used to "control" multiple devices at once.
    unit: 255               # the device-specific value is not pulished ! :-D 
    type: uint16
    pub_only_on_change: true
     "false": 0
     "true": 1

This section of the YAML lists all the modbus registers that you consider interesting.

Field name Required Default Description
address Required N/A The decimal address of the register to read from the device, starting at 0. Many modbus devices enumerate registers beginning at 1, so beware.
pub_topic Optional N/A This is the topic to which the value of this register will be published.
set_topic Optional N/A Values published to this topic will be written to the Modbus device. Cannot yet be combined with json_key. See tjhowse#23 for details.
retain Optional false Controls whether the value of this register will be published with the retain bit set. if so, the message will be stored until deleted. if stored, other clients that subscribe same topic will always get this message/value
pub_only_on_change Optional true Controls whether this register will only be published if its value changed from the previous poll. useless for singlerun.
table Optional holding The Modbus table to read from the device. Must be 'holding' or 'input'.
value_map Optional N/A A series of human-readable and raw values for the setting. This will be used to translate between human-readable values via MQTT to raw values via Modbus. If a value_map is set for a register the interface will reject raw values sent via MQTT. If value_map is not set the interface will try to set the Modbus register to that value. Note that the scale is applied after the value is read from Modbus and before it is written to Modbus.
scale Optional 1 After reading a value from the Modbus register it will be multiplied by this scalar before being published to MQTT. Values published on this register's set_topic will be divided by this scalar before being written to Modbus.
mask Optional 0xFFFF This is a 16-bit number that can be used to select a part of a Modbus register to be referenced by this register. For example a mask of 0xFF00 will map to the most significant byte of the 16-bit Modbus register at address. A mask of 0x0001 will reference only the least significant bit of this register. only to be used @ unsigned integer 16/32/64 bit
json_key Optional N/A The value of this register will be published to its pub_topic in JSON format. E.G. { key: value } Registers with a json_key specified can share a pub_topic. All registers with shared pub_topics must have a json_key specified. In this way, multiple registers can be published to the same topic in a single JSON message. If any of the registers that share a pub_topic have the retain field set that will affect the published JSON message. Conflicting retain settings are invalid. The keys will be alphabetically sorted. Keys with spaces must use ".. .."
type Optional uint16 The type of the value stored at the modbus address provided. uint16 (unsigned 16-bit integer), int16 (signed 16-bit integer), uint32, int32, uint64 and int64 , float , float_be (big Endian), float_le (little Endian) double, double_be, double_le are supported.