An R package to standardise methods used in Public Health Scotland (
- alice-hannahScottish Government (@ScotGovAnalysis)
- andrew-farrey
- AshleyAkbariSwansea University
- billster45
- capncodewashGlasgow
- charlie-smith@Public-Health-Scotland
- claremcarthur
- davidc92
- davidhenUsher Institute, University of Edinburgh
- dblanaUniversity of Aberdeen
- dmcguckinUCL Centre for Perioperative Medicine
- filipwastberg@solita
- foster999CanSense @cansenseltd
- GMAWyperPublic Health Scotland
- jakeybobGlasgow, Scotland
- johannajokio
- johnmackintoshHighlands, Scotland
- JonMintonSmith+Nephew
- jsavincEdinburgh Napier University ? Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research
- jsstanley/dev/null
- jvillacampa
- kevins05
- Lextuga007@nhs-r-community
- littlefish0331President Chain Store Corporation
- matt-drayUK public sector
- MHWauben
- mikerspencerEdinburgh
- milanwiedemann@ebmdatalab
- mmoench16Scotland
- mryapIreland, Singapore, Manchester, Malaysia
- oldSlackey
- qinuse
- ronaai01
- ScottMG-PHS
- ThomUKNottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
- tvroylandtKantiles