
This code produces the shiny app chart in the Deaths and life expectancy > Data > NHS Boards section of the ScotPHO website.

Primary LanguageR


This code produces the shiny app chart in the Deaths and life expectancy > Data > NHS Boards section of the ScotPHO website.

Data is sourced from: • LE by NHS Board: https://statistics.gov.scot/resource?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fstatistics.gov.scot%2Fdata%2FLife-Expectancy • HLE by NHS Board: https://statistics.gov.scot/resource?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fstatistics.gov.scot%2Fdata%2Fhealthy-life-expectancy

To update the shiny app:

  1. Run extract_data.R to extract the data from the SG opendata platform.
  2. Check the output saved here: \stats\ScotPHO\Website\Topics\Life expectancy\YYYYMM_update
  3. Run the shiny app locally to check it has updated as expected
  4. Deploy app