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Chart.js for Drupal

This module brings the Chart.js JavaScript chart library to Drupal, and enables dependant modules to create charts in PHP or JavaScript.


  • Download the latest release of this module, and enable it within Drupal (drush en -y chartjs).
  • Download the Chart.js library into a Chart.js folder in sites/all/libraries.


Chart.js charts can be configured on a chart-by-chart basis, but if you'd like to provide global (and overrideable) settings for your all of your site charts, this can be done by visiting Chart.js administration page: admin/config/chartjs. here you can globally configure legends, animations, scale, display, and tooltips.


This module can be used to define and create charts on both the server side (PHP) and the client side (JavaScript).

Creating Charts On the Server

The chartjs module contains a function that returns the html/js necessary to render a chart based on the parameters passed in. Here's an example implementation:

 * This function uses "chartjs_get_chart" to return html for a chart.
function mymodule_return_chart($data) {
  // Define an array of objects that will be turned
  // into JSON and passed into Chart.js.
  // This data format will change based on chart type.
  // See http://www.chartjs.org/docs
  // For now we'll just create a Doughnut chart.
  $data = array();
  $data[] = (object)array(
    'value' => 10,
    'label' => t('Pizza'),
    'color' => '#000000',
  $data[] = (object)array(
    'value' => 5,
    'label' => t('Beer'),
    'color' => '#EEEEEE',

  // Now we create an array of options that determine
  // how this chart is rendered.
  // See http://www.chartjs.org/docs for global
  // and chart-specific options.
  $options['legendTemplate'] = variable_get('mymodule_chartLegendTemplate');

   * Return the rendered chart.
   * Here is some parameter documentation:
   * @param string $type
   *   Type of chart that should be returned.
   * @param array $data
   *   Data that should be charted.
   * @param string $id
   *   Unique ID of chart.
   * @param array $options
   *   Options that override global defaults.
   * @param int $width
   *   Width of chart.
   * @param int $height
   *   Height of chart.
  return chartjs_get_chart('doughnut', $data, 'MyChartId', $options, 200, 200);

  * Implements hook_form().
  * Now let's add our chart to a form.
function mymodule_form($form, &$form_state) {
  $form['votes_chart'] = array(
    '#markup' => mymodule_return_chart(),

  return $form;

Creating charts On the Client

Creating client-side charts is easy. Simply follow the documentation available on the Chart.js project site..