Black in AI

Based on this theme: Demo and github project page

Setup & Basics

This site uses jekyll, to get started, clone or fork, and see the jekyll quickstart guide

Content can all be edited in markdown files in _segments/ or _speakers

To edit style, change the CSS in _includes/css

The main page is the index.html will guide to most structure and _config.yml defines many site variables.

Adding a section on main page:

  • Add md file to _segments folder, date for order (oldest at top)
  • include yaml front matter as below
title: will display in the menu  
bg: background color, 
color: text color  
emph: color of headings  
style: [justify or center, as defined in css]

Note: colors can be defined using standard html names or using plain english names as defined in _config.yaml


Speakers are also a collection, to add:

  • create a markdown file named after the speaker
  • add yaml front matter as below
  • name image same as the md file up to extension add it to img/ directory
  • the layout: speaker line should be included as is, that tells jekyll how to process the .md file for inclusion elsewhere
  • see on how to include speakers within another section
  • all speakers are added to /speaker-list page
layout: speaker   
display: Name as to be displayed on page  
img: image name with extenstion (that must be in img dir)  
type: [keynote, dinner]
link: url to the person's site

Speakers can be added to another part of the site using:

{% assign sp = site.speakers | where:"display", "Ciira Maina" | first %}

The output is controlled by _layouts/speaker.html.

The speakers are also output to a /speaker-list.html.