
The code that powers my personal site.

It is inspired by the indieweb philosophy of self-hosting and ownership of data. See for information on how to setup the project.


The initial version of the site has the following components.

  • ergo: A proxy whose main purpose is to upgrade other HTTP services w/o any downtime and keep the SSL certificates up to date..
  • migrate: A database migration system.
  • blog: Where I write my thoughts.
  • finsta: An invite-only image board.
  • webhookd: updates and redeploys other components upon learning of a new version.
  • www: The landing page + webfinger endpoint.

For now all the components are written in Go, but that may change in the future.



We can use docker for the database:

docker compose up -d postgres

Then we create the database for the entire site:

createdb -h localhost -U postgres site

Until we are live in production the we setup the database from a single schema.sql file as opposed to migrations. Each project has a sql/schema.sql file. TO setup the database schema we can use psql -f.. Ej. For the blog project one can setup the database with:

psql -h locoalhost -U postgres -d site -f blog/sql/schema.sql