HTPP System

We have seen face recognition and another security tech. available in the market. The Hand Tracking Password Protecting System or HTPP System is a way of making things cooler. Its a trick of special character to enter the HTPP System is just a safe and fun protocol of doing the usual work.

How it Works

  1. Firstly to run locally we need a python interpreter "" . Install the python interpreter and make sure to select the set path option while installing to automatically set the path of the python interpreter.

  2. Next, clone the repo and extract the files to the C drive user defaults folder (or any other folder)

  3. Now open the command prompt and go to the cloned folder using the cd command.

Installing the requirements

  1. type "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install all the requirements necessary to run the code. It will take some time to install the requirements.

Running the code

  1. Type "python" to start the local server
  2. open the browser and go to URL "http://localhost:5000/"
  3. Fill in the required details and press submit
  4. A page will pop-up. Try to make your desired character using fist and press save.