
Chart display at the bottom of the documentation is broken

pacharanero opened this issue · 6 comments

On first loading the page, the 'Chart Bar' section displays a Line chart:

2017 11 14-16 12 41-selection

However once a mouseOver event has occurred over this chart, it changes to a Bar chart and will not change back.

2017 11 14-16 12 13-selection

All the time, the 'Chart Line' section remains greyed out

Platform: Linux-4.11.0-14-generic-x86_64-with-LinuxMint-18.2-sonya
Browser: Google Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Date Tested :Tue 14 Nov 16:38:04 GMT 2017

sorry, I should have put that in the initial issue report

It's http://showcase2.ripple.foundation/ui-kit.html#/charts
I'm just looking over the source locally now to find where this originates from

OK so this it what we call UI-Kit related
Correct, this proved v difficult to do from within the Jekyll documentation theme, so it comes directly from the PulseTile codebase
See here
Can u see the issue there?
Note the branch issue below, but feel free to suggest a fix ..

@kbeloborodko FYI.. NB I see 3 branches with UI-kit, develop looks most up to date, can you confirm that http://docs.pulsetile.com/ui_kit_page.html is up to date with latest branch?
