
Semester-3 Assignments IITH CSE.

Primary LanguageC++

Semester III (Practice and Homework Assignments)

CS2233 (Data Structures II)

  • Linked Lists / Stacks and Queues
  • Binary Heaps
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Red Black Trees
  • Graph Traversals (BFS and DFS)
  • Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal's Algorithm)
  • Disjoint Set Data-structures ( Union-rank / path compression)
  • BTrees
  • Binomial Heaps

CS2323 (Computer Architecture)

  • Caches and TLB's
  • Cache Replacement Policies (LRU/FIFO/OPTIMAL)
  • SimpleRISC Architecture
  • CUDA C++ Framework

CS2400 (Principles of Programming Language I)

  • Inverse of a matrix using gauss-jordan algorithm with pre/post consitions in Eiffel
  • Stable marriage problem with pre/post conditions and loop invarinats in Eiffel.

CS3510 (Operating Systems I)

  • Multi-Process Computation of Execution Time using Inter process communication.
  • Multi-Proccessing vs Multi-threading for calculating statistics of large observations