Company Name : Vedic Span
Team alloted : Puneeth, Sebastian, Dhanush
This project is especially done for the internship purpose

Project title :

Web scraping : It is a process of extracting and parsing data from a specific link or a site and storing the content required for users like (E-mails, Phone no) etc in bunch of CSV file or files in other format

Week -1 :

Steps followed here:

  1. Browsing done through different sites and picked up on to scrape . Just went through some Project ideas
  2. Identifying the info that i would like to scrape from the particular site and decide the output of the file (CSV)
  3. Summarising through the project ideas and thinking about the strategy in PyCharm

Outline for week-1:

  • In the first week we started discussing about our project and plan various software engineering phases.
  • Design UI.
  • Design prototype UI.
  • Build Flask Boiler plate

Outline for week-2:

  • In the second week we started by creating phone regex.
  • Creating email regex.
  • Algorithm for web-scraping

Outline for week-3:

  • In the third week we started scraping data from the pre-defined website.
  • Building HTML skeleton.
  • Scraping website from form input.
  • Updating email regex.
  • Updating phone regex.
  • Adding download CSV.

Outline for week-4:

  • In the fourth week we started by fixing the download CSV.
  • Update HTML with UI.
  • Testing.
  • Documentation.

Objectives accomploished :

  • Create a user-friendly interface.
  • Creating an algorithm for scraping the data.
  • Storing the data in CSV file.


  • Python
  • Flask
  • Regular expression (regex)
  • UI design
  • Testing Documentation


  • Successfully developed a fully functional application for extracting data such as email and phone number from different websites.