
This project consists of 2 components, the actual messaging queue and the client operators, which communicate with the messaging queue, retrieving and sending messages.


Building this project is relatively simple. There are no 3rd party dependencies as everything is written with the standard go library. To build the binary file for this project, simply write the following command:

go build -o dist/message-queue main.go

This will place an executable file in the dist folder.

Running the application

This project is always run with the main binary, using CLI parameters to determine the behaviour and role of the running software. All examples will use an already compiled binary with the filename message-queue. Please note, on windows systems, this file will be named message-queue.exe.

Start Message Queue

To start the message queue listening on all address ( on port 1234 use the following command:

./message-queue -qhost="" -port=1234 -server

Send a file to the Message Queue

To send a file with the name textfile.txt use the following command:

./message-queue -file="textfile.txt"

Start a Subscriber

To start the service as a subscriber, use the following command, specifying the queue service to connect to:

./message-queue -qhost="localhost" -port=1234 -subscribe

This will attempt to connect to a queue service on localhost:1234/tcp and subscribe to any messages in the queue. Note, that adding the -subscribe parameter will always start a subscriber, so it is possible to send a file and subscribe on the same service, using the following command:

./message-queue -file="textfile.txt" -subscribe


For a list of all commands, please use the following command:

./message-queue -h


  • Implement unsubscribe on graceful shutdown
    • And implement unsubscribe on bad connection
  • Implement multiple exchanges / routes
  • Implement send retries
    • Implement send retries pr. client


For inquiries that cannot be handled with an issue request, please contact lja@pungy.dk