
api-design-PupilTong created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython


api-design-PupilTong created by GitHub Classroom


download essential files

git clone https://github.com/datasets/airport-codes.git
git clone https://github.com/BUEC500C1/api-design-PupilTong.git

Import to your codes

import airportWeather

register & get an API key of Open Weather

check https://openweathermap.org/ for more infomation


Initilization Object

apw = airportWeather("BOS")
#Set the airpot as boston logan international airport

Object Initilization parameter

  • airportIATACode : String. Set the airport.

  • openWeatherKeys : String. Your own openweather key.

Get airports Information


The return of this method will be a json string, like this

	"iata_code": "BOS",
	"id": "3422",
	"ident": "KBOS",
	"type": "large_airport",
	"name": "General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport",
	"locate": {
		"latitude_deg": "42.36429977",
		"longitude_deg": "-71.00520325",
		"elevation_ft": "20",
		"continent": "NA",
		"iso_country": "US",
		"iso_region": "US-MA",
		"municipality": "Boston"
	"scheduled_service": "yes",
	"gps_code": "KBOS",
	"local_code": "BOS",
	"internet_info": {
		"home_link": "http://www.massport.com/logan/",
		"wikipedia_link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan_International_Airport",
		"keywords": ["General", "Edward", "Lawrence", "Logan", "International", "Airport"]

Get current weather

Get current weather of the airport. Data comes form open weather api.


The return of this method will be a json string, like this

	"air": {
		"temp": 277.16,
		"temp_min": 274.82,
		"temp_max": 279.26,
		"pressure": 1006,
		"humidity": 93
	"clouds": 1,
	"weather": {
		"id": 800,
		"main": "Clear",
		"description": "clear sky",
		"icon": "01n"
	"wind": {
		"speed": 1.5,
		"deg": 260
	"sun": {
		"sunrise": 1580648629,
		"sunset": 1580684797
	"timeStamp": 1580697870


Name Description Unit
temp Temperature Kelvin
temp_min Minimum temperature at the moment. Kelvin
temp_max Maximum temperature at the moment. Kelvin
pressure Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data) hPa
humidity humidity %
clouds Cloudiness %
sunrise Sunrise time unix, UTC
sunset Sunset time unix, UTC
timeStamp unix, UTC
speed wind speed meter/sec

Get weather forecast

Get weather forecast of the airport. Data comes form https://api.weather.gov/.


The return of this method will be a json string, like this

	"number": 1,
	"name": "Tonight",
	"startTime": "2020-02-02T21:00:00-05:00",
	"endTime": "2020-02-03T06:00:00-05:00",
	"isDaytime": false,
	"temperature": 34,
	"temperatureUnit": "F",
	"temperatureTrend": null,
	"windSpeed": "8 mph",
	"windDirection": "W",
	"icon": "https://api.weather.gov/icons/land/night/bkn?size=medium",
	"shortForecast": "Mostly Cloudy",
	"detailedForecast": "Mostly cloudy, with a low around 34. West wind around 8 mph."

Get hourly weather forecast

Get weather forecast of the airport. Data comes form https://api.weather.gov/.


The return of this method will be a json string, like this

	"number": 1,
	"name": "",
	"startTime": "2020-02-02T23:00:00-06:00",
	"endTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00-06:00",
	"isDaytime": false,
	"temperature": 36,
	"temperatureUnit": "F",
	"temperatureTrend": null,
	"windSpeed": "5 mph",
	"windDirection": "WNW",
	"icon": "https://api.weather.gov/icons/land/night/few?size=small",
	"shortForecast": "Mostly Clear",
	"detailedForecast": ""
}, {
	"number": 2,
	"name": "",
	"startTime": "2020-02-03T00:00:00-06:00",
	"endTime": "2020-02-03T01:00:00-06:00",
	"isDaytime": false,
	"temperature": 35,
	"temperatureUnit": "F",
	"temperatureTrend": null,
	"windSpeed": "5 mph",
	"windDirection": "NW",
	"icon": "https://api.weather.gov/icons/land/night/few?size=small",
	"shortForecast": "Mostly Clear",
	"detailedForecast": ""

Method parameter

  • hours : integer. How many hourly weather forcast from now you want to get.

Get historical weather

Get historical weather of the airport. Data comes form https://api.weather.gov/.

#Get weather information form 2020-02-01T23:00:00 to 2020-02-02T23:00:00 and set 2 as the maxium data count.

The return of this method will be a json string, like this

	"number": 1,
	"name": "",
	"startTime": "2020-02-03T04:55:00+00:00",
	"endTime": "2020-02-03T04:55:00+00:00",
	"timestamp": "2020-02-03T04:55:00+00:00",
	"temperature": 2.2000000000000455,
	"temperatureUnit": "unit:degC",
	"windSpeed": "1.5 mph",
	"windDirection": 270,
	"windDirectionUnit": "unit:degree_(angle)",
	"icon": "https://api.weather.gov/icons/land/night/skc?size=medium"
}, {
	"number": 2,
	"name": "",
	"startTime": "2020-02-03T04:53:00+00:00",
	"endTime": "2020-02-03T04:53:00+00:00",
	"timestamp": "2020-02-03T04:53:00+00:00",
	"temperature": 2.2000000000000455,
	"temperatureUnit": "unit:degC",
	"windSpeed": "3.1 mph",
	"windDirection": 260,
	"windDirectionUnit": "unit:degree_(angle)",
	"icon": "https://api.weather.gov/icons/land/night/skc?size=medium"

Method parameter

  • startTime : String. Start time. YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mmTZD. Check ISO8601 for more info.
  • Endtime : String. End time. YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mmTZD. Check ISO8601 for more info.
  • limit : integer. How many historical weather data from now you want to get. The number of data may less than your setting.