
codvid-app-PupilTong created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


codvid-app-PupilTong created by GitHub Classroom


This application is based on React Native

Build & Deployment

Install all Denpendencies

npm install

Run Android in Debug mode

npx react-native run-android


CODVID cases per country on a MAP

Drag the map, the data of covid-19 will be shown on the map dynamiclly. countryLive

Summary of total cases for the world & Live Summary for the World

  • Summary of total cases for the world is shown on the bottom.

  • Click buttons on top right coroner, the different category of covid-19 data.


CODVID cases per country Live on a MAP (changes) && CODVID cases per country based on a date.

  • Touch a bubble to show live data for the specify country.

  • The chart shows live data from 6 days before to the day that user picked.
