
XRPL wallet portfolio bot for Discord

Primary LanguageJavaScript


XRPL wallet portfolio bot for Discord by PuppyTools


  • NodeJS v16+
  • Ability to Copy&Paste some stuff


Create a new file called .env and paste the following into it


Install the required packages with npm install or npm i discord.js mongoose xrpl xumm-sdk dotenv node-schedule axios

While they are installing you can begin gathering your information for the .env file.

  • TOKEN and CLIENTID are your Bot Token and Client ID from Discord Application > GUIDE HERE
  • MONGOURI is a MongoDB Connection String > GUIDE HERE
  • XUMM_API_KEY and XUMM_API_SECRET require you to create an application with XUMM and get the values > GUIDE HERE
  • NETWORK is the RPC you will be connecting to. I DO NOT SUGGEST using a public network as you will easily get ratelimited. You can get a generous one for free and even fairly priced tiers through QuickNode who now feature XRPL!

Once you have all your values, close & open the terminal (avoids any issues with it not reading the .env values) and then in the console run node deploy-commands.js and it will register the Bot's commands globally so any server the bot is in will be able to use them.

On the Discord Developer Dashboard for your application, navigate to OAUTH2 > URL Generator and tick the boxes for bot & application.commands and copy the URL that is generated below it and paste into your browser to invite the bot to your server. (The bot shouldn't need any extra permissions as all interactions are based on replying to interactions and not actual posting)

Once your bot is in, in the console run node PortfolioBot.js and you should see that it's running when it outputs to the console!



Link your wallet with the bot so it gets a reference of your wallet.


Will grab your wallet estimate!


While you are having fun, why not send me a tip if you feel I deserve it :)

Extra Notes

The bot will update colleciton floor prices every 20 minutes using the xrpl.services API for any collection found in all of the accounts linked. Newly linked accounts that contain new collections not currently known will need to wait till the next update.

Also every 30 minutes the bot will refresh its Token prices from xrplmeta API.

Finishing up

If you have any questions, my DMs are always open on

  • Twitter > @iamshiffed
  • Discord > Shiffed#2071
  • New Discord Handles > shiffed
  • Email > shiffed@puppy.tools

Tips are always welcome and help continue development