
Where The Boys work on Enforcer

Primary LanguageC#


  • Adds the Enforcer from Risk of Rain 1
  • Includes a bunch of unlockable alternate skills and skins
  • Includes support for ClassicItems' Ancient Scepter

Join the discord server to share any feedback/bugs/suggestions- https://discord.gg/HpQB9fC


Gnome - Coding rob - Cooding TheTimesweeper - Coooding Enigma - Cooooding PapaZach - Skill icons Jot - Animations DarkLordLui - Animations Violet Chaolan - Sounds LucidInceptor - Modeling bruh - Modeling, swag SalvadorBunny - Heavy TF2 Minecraft skin Destructor - Mod icon Draymarc - Concepts Lethan - Screenshots Moffein - Idea Guy™ Ruxbieno - Idea Guy™ Swuff - Idea Guy™

And big thanks to everyone testing and giving their feedback, the mod wouldn't be the same without it


Skill Description Stats
Riot Shotgun Fire a short range piercing blast for 8x45% damage. Proc: 0.5
Shield Bash Bash nearby enemies away for 250% damage. Use while sprinting to perform a Shoulder Bash for 450% damage instead. Deflects Projectiles. Proc: 1.0, CD: 6 sec
Shoulder Bash Short charge that stuns. Hitting heavier enemies deals up to 700% damage. Proc: 1.0
Tear Gas Throw a grenade that explodes into tear gas that leaves enemies Impaired. Lasts for 16 seconds. CD: 24 sec
Blind Reduces movement speed by 75%, attack speed by 25, and armor by 20
Protect and Serve Take a defensive stance blocking all damage from the front. Increases your rate of fire but prevents sprinting and jumping. CD: 0 sec

Unlockable Alts (spoiler alert)

Skill Description Stats
Super Shotgun Fire a powerful short range blast for 16x80% damage. Has harsh damage falloff. Proc: 0.75
Assault Rifle Fire a burst of bullets bullets dealing 3x75% damage. Fires 6 bullets instead during Protect and Serve. Proc: 0.75
Stun Grenade Stunning. Launch a stun grenade, dealing 400% damage. Store up to 3 grenades. Proc: 0.6, CD: 8 sec

Gnome's true dedication

Known Issues

  • Cancelling shield with sprint does not work properly in multiplayer
  • Pending an R2API update, some achievements can't be unlocked in multiplayer (they only work for host or single player)
  • RyanSkinAPI causes the model to be invisible sometimes
  • Life Savings may not work

Future Plans

  • More alternate skills



  • Added compatibility for Starstorm 2's void event- the default invasion event is still here, only now with a twist
  • Added Enforcer's Grand Mastery skin- huge thanks to bruh for the model
  • Added work in progress alt utility for Heavy TF2, locked behind config


  • Updated skill icons
  • Networked shield block effect
  • Added item displays for Plague Mask and Plague Hat from Supply Drop
  • Heavy TF2 changes below
  • Added Grand Mastery skin, available via Starstorm 2 crosscompat
  • Added new minigun sounds
  • Updated a lot of VFX
  • Updated uppercut animation
  • Updated skin icons
  • Tweaked camera angle on spawn
  • Tweaked hammer hitstop to stop it from interfering with movement
  • Networked salute emote, oops
  • Networked melee hit sounds


  • Unsneeded the feed


  • Added a new skin for Heavy TF2
  • Updated hammer sounds


  • Fixed salute emote doing nothing


  • Fixed Dominance breaking when used on dedicated servers


  • Fixed Fortnite dances (sorry)


  • Added salute emote
  • Tweaked sprint animation timing
  • Tweaked uppercut animation
  • Added work in progress alt primary (enable cursed in config)
  • Removed all reflection from code, improving performance
  • Fixed SSG reload animation
  • Fixed some stupid vanilla EffectCatalog errors
  • Fixed Red Whip activating while using certain primaries


  • Quick hotfix, King Dedede's skills were replacing Commando's by mistake


  • Added a custom King Dedede boss, must be enabled via config- spawns on Sky Meadow and post-loop Titanic Plains
  • Added a new skill variant for Heavy TF2, must be enabled via cursed config
  • Fixed Heavy TF2's spawn animation
  • Fixed Heavy TF2's umbra not having proper AI
  • Increased size of secret boss
  • Added passive regen VFX
  • Tweaked Minecraft skin and improved rig


  • Updated King Dedede's Minecraft skin- special thanks to SalvadorBunny for making it!
  • Made Breaching Hammer an actual skill (not sure if it's still locked behind config to be honest)
  • Improved Stun Grenade aim
  • Tweaked King Dedede hammer hitboxes so they can be more reliably blocked by the shield
  • King Dedede is now immune to the void
  • Improved Golden Hammer swing animations
  • Golden Minigun now aims up and down
  • Added Enforcer idlein animation
  • Toggling sirens now toggles an alternate run animation because letting this feature sit around unused was depressing
  • Fixed Shattering Justice not properly replacing the hammer


  • Optimized all gases, should no longer kill fps after using too many on a stage
  • Fixed rest emote not being looped


  • Fixed an issue causing the game to softlock after Mithrix's defeat
  • Fixed a minor camera bug
  • Fixed Dedede's rig
  • Fixed big teleporter particles
  • Updated shield model
  • Added an experimental Heavy TF2 skin, still a heavy work in progress


  • Partially reverted some camera stuff to fix bugs resulting from it- smoother camera now only works in singleplayer


  • Fixed stuff


  • Adjusted some camera things, improving overall smoothness
  • Minor optimization to shotgun shells
  • King Dedede model tweaks- Improved rig, 200% less jank squish, added minigun
  • Tweaked Heavy TF2 spawn animation to somewhat more consistently face the camera


  • Fixed Aetherium item displays
  • Lots of King Dedede changes
  • No longer requires Enforcer to unlock- meaning someone else can play him and get the unlock for everyone
  • Added fall damage immunity and adaptive armor to boss variant
  • Capped maximum spawns per invasion to 1(can revert in config if you like the challenge)
  • Added a new skin(Must be enabled via cursed config(I sincerely apologize))
  • Added Supply Drop item displays
  • Tweaked secondary visuals
  • Fixed uppercut not playing sounds in multiplayer
  • Increased Dominance (Minigun) base duration from 0.9s to 1.2s
  • Dominance (Minigun) now explodes projectiles, rather than simply destroying them


  • Alright the uppercut animation is ACTUALLY 100% fixed now, if it's not we will deprecate the mod
  • Some more animation and VFX tweaks
  • Minigun variant of Dominance is now shown in loadout
  • Modded difficulties above Monsoon are now counted for Monsoon exclusive content
  • Fixed Dripforcer clipping issues
  • Gave Enforcer's umbra proper AI
  • Changed Herobrine's unlock text to something more accurate


  • Fixed multiplayer animations for real this time
  • Fixed minigun crosshair not working properly for spectators
  • Fixed certain effects being duplicated in multiplayer, causing excessive screenshake
  • Fixed Little Disciple and Leech item displays
  • Lowered minigun secondary damage to from 1000% to 600%- Backup Mags were a little excessive
  • Lowered aerial slam minimum radius to 6m from 12m, max unchanged


  • Added Supply Drop item displays(missed change from 2.0)
  • Added config for shotgun shell sounds
  • Adjusted Leech placement
  • Fixed Enforcer always being elevated slightly above the ground
  • Heavy TF2 changes- goal is to make him more fluid and address his low durability
  • Boss variant now uses unique boss scaling, should no longer be a pushover
  • Added config to enable invasions as any character, for fun
  • Various animation tweaks
  • Base max health increased from 160 to 224
  • Max health growth increased from 48 to 56
  • Passive regen increased from 2% to 2.5%
  • Lowered primary base duration from 1.2s to 1.05s, tweaked animation
  • Fixed duplicate effects on primary
  • Fixed bugged secondary animation in multiplayer
  • Secondary slam now only activates when falling and looking down
  • Secondary slam now carries over speed from the charge state when calculating impact radius
  • Uppercut cancel window now begins at the start of the uppercut rather than the end
  • Minigun spread now ramps up more slowly
  • Minigun self slow reduced
  • Minigun swap no longer prevents jumping, shorter slow duration when sheathing minigun
  • Minigun stance armor buff increased from 50 to 60
  • Fixed Happiest Mask placement
  • Added drip
  • Life Savings still does nothing
  • I don't even know if the problem is on our end nothing makes sense
  • Just don't grab the item


  • Made Enforcer: Enforcing Perfection require much less Bustling Fungus to unlock
  • Fixed some effects being duplicated in multiplayer
  • Tweaked Herobrine spawn mechanics


  • Spotted another readme typo, hopefully last one for today


  • Fixed a typo in readme


  • Updated character portrait
  • Updated Shield Bash Icon
  • Shield Bash now pushes allies(toggleable via config)
  • Fixed a minor bug


  • Fixed absurd Stun Grenade knockback


  • Updated skill icons
  • Added a new skin, moved some old skins to a config option to prevent bloat
  • Updated shotgun shells, added sounds
  • Added fancy shoulder light effect- made it flash on level up too because I'm a shameless showoff
  • Buff Riot Shotgun damage to 8x45% and SSG to 16x80%- resetting config recommended
  • Riot Shotgun's spread is now tightened during Protect and Serve
  • Increased Protect and Serve self slow from 50% to 65%
  • Shield Bash now has minimum knockback, so light monsters like wisps and jellyfish can now get launched
  • Added a config option to add a cap to the knockback to prevent bosses from being thrown around
  • Tear Gas no longer snaps to the ground, meaning it's effective on flying monsters
  • Actually fixed Mustard Gas not applying debuff for real this time
  • Mustard Gas damage doubled, proc coefficient raised from 0 to 0.05
  • Stun Grenade visuals updated to better match his RoR1 grenade
  • Added knockback to Stun Grenade
  • Added item displays for the new Aetherium items and SivsItems
  • Added pig
  • Fixed Enforcer's logbook display using the wrong shader
  • Tweaked shotgun volume


  • Reworked Assault Rifle- resetting config is recommended
  • Even more model tweaks, fixed Bungus head clipping
  • Added back missing shoulder lights
  • Added new skin
  • Loadout choices are now visible in character select
  • Added SSG bullet tracer
  • Added sounds for the Bungus guns
  • Fixed Mustard Gas not applying debuff
  • Fixed Fresh Meat being unreasonably huge
  • Shield Bash into P&S transition made smoother
  • Tweaked Femforcer skin
  • Added skateboard sounds and fixed some bugs
  • Unfinished Breaching Hammer is now an actual melee attack


  • Tweaked model some more
  • Fixed item displays not showing up on the Assault Rifle
  • Added skateboard model and animations- must be enabled in config to use it


  • Updated model


  • Added Femforcer- disabled by default, must be enabled via config (thanks modanon!)
  • Added more bungus weapons
  • Buffed Assault Rifle damage to 80%- config must be reset or edited manually to get the new value
  • Buffed Assault Rifle proc coefficient during P&S to 0.4
  • Buffed Assault Rifle fire rate
  • Lowered Assault Rifle spread
  • Added configuration for Assault Rifle
  • Added config option to revert the Engi shield
  • Added a new emote
  • Fixed some animation weirdness
  • Fixed Fresh Meat being huge


  • Added gun shooting animations
  • Tweaked sprint animation
  • Tweaked aim animation
  • Added item displays for items from the Aetherium mod
  • Added support for Ancient Scepter!
  • Tear Gas > Mustard Gas: Gas now deals 100% damage per second
  • Stun Grenade > Shock Grenade: Grenade does more damage, has a larger radius and applies shock rather than stun
  • Half reverted Engi skin's shield
  • Fixed Sawmerang item display
  • Fixed weird shield overlay on certain skins


  • Fixed another minor bug


  • Fixed a null projectile being registered to the catalog possibly causing bugs


  • Updated Engineer skin's shield
  • Updated Engineer skin's shotgun- only Riot Shotgun for now, other weapons coming soon
  • Updated Doomguy skin's shield
  • Updated Needler texture
  • Lowered the amount of Bustling Fungus needed for Enforcer: Enforcing Perfection even more
  • Fixed Shattering Justice placement- left the old hammer placement as a config option
  • Fixed deflected projectiles sometimes not hitting the original owner of the projectile
  • Fixed Needler not dropping when ragdolling
  • Fixed Crowdfunder hitting the shield during Protect & Serve- the drone wasn't actually needed but it's staying
  • Updated Super Massive Leech item display
  • Added a config option to enable unfinished skills
  • Changed config to use proper keycodes- this will reset your keybinds back to default but makes changing them easier, resetting config is recommended
  • Fixed a typo in Shield Bash's description


  • Increased Assault Rifle damage to 65%; 40% was a bug and unintended, sorry!
  • Added animation when using the Needler
  • Added a custom crosshair for Visions of Heresy- it's applied to every survivor but this can be toggled off via config
  • Due to complaints, Shattering Justice has been placed somewhere more serious
  • Lowered amount of Bustling Fungus required for Enforcer: Enforcing Perfection from 250 to 200
  • Fixed Riot Shotgun firing no bullets when configured to fire only one
  • Fixed an issue with Needler model still being visible even after getting rid of the item
  • Fixed Backup Mags on the Needler being huge
  • Fixed Visions of Heresy being hidden inside the head
  • Fixed sirens not going off when deflecting golem lasers


  • Nerfed Super Shotgun fire rate; it was actually bugged and was never supposed to have the same fire rate as Riot Shotgun
  • Fixed bug with Super Shotgun ejecting a stupid amount of shells, added unique shells
  • Added a Needler gun for Visions of Heresy
  • Calm idle stance now only triggers when out of combat
  • Fixed bug causing shield to stop blocking damage if sirens were toggled during Protect and Serve
  • Fixed the annoying (but harmless) warning messages on startup
  • Renamed 'Blinded' debuff to 'Impaired'
  • Added the host only warning to the Rules of Nature achievement since that one seems to be bugged too
  • Some minor texture tweaks
  • Fixed a rare bug involving a pink cube and Enforcer flying into space? Never actually found the cause but that cube is deleted so it should be gone


  • Added keybinds to config
  • Added a custom Crowdfunder Drone display, to try and fix the Crowdfunder bug(it didn't)
  • Reworked Super Shotgun
  • Added config for base stats and Riot Shotgun, more might come eventually but this is really tedious to code
  • Enforcing Perfection achievement now scales better with the amount of Bustling Fungus you have


  • Added dependencies oops


  • Initial release

if you read all this you're cool