
Built from CoreFoundation found in https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-foundation/tree/master/CoreFoundation

Primary LanguageC

CoreFoundation for PureDarwin

Based on Swift CoreFoundation from https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-foundation/tree/master/CoreFoundation.

Modified to work (more or less) when installed in a PureDarwin image.

(If you just want binary roots to add to a PureDarwin image, look here.)


  • Version set to 1348.28.0
  • Removed CFURLSession and dependency on libcurl (and everything that depends on)
  • Calls CFInitialize() at load time, so things actually work
  • Adds an implementation of CFFileDescriptor
  • Fixes issues with CFMachPort (ie. the fact the actual mach code was missing)
  • Adds implementation of local, remote and Darwin notification centers
  • Restored the Objective-C bridge
  • Implemented (at least stubs of) Objective-C classes which are required to be found in CF


  • libxml2 (eg from the Darwin 10.10 roots)


Create a folder called "include" at the same level as this README.md (and the CoreFoundation folder) and copy into it:

  • the /usr/local/include/unicode folder from your macOS system
  • the mach-o folder from the dyld Darwin root
  • the include folder from libxml2
  • bootstrap_priv.h


  • Either write a script to set up the dependencies needed for building, or switch to using the Darwin SDK
  • Keep up to date with recent changes from the swift corelibs project
  • Add implementation of classes from swift-corelibs-foundation
  • Complete implementation of all bridged classes

Known Issues

  • A crash if CFRunLoopGetCurrent() is called either before CFRunLoopGetMain() on the main thread, or at all on any other thread.