
This is a web scraper which identifies the current price of Bitcoin and alerts you if prices fall or increase.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bitcoin Price Web Scraper

This is a program that will provide the current price of bitcoin and alert you if it falls too far.

Binance Bitcoin Graph

- In the program the user sets the value of Bitcoin they wish to track.

- The code performs the following;

  • Using webscraping tool Beautiful soup it recovers a webpage which shows the current price.
  • It then will format the entire information to recover just the current price of Bitcoin.
  • It will display this price in the terminal in a string format.
  • It will then convert the string to a float and examine the number against the set parameters.
  • If the value below a certain parameter, the sound of a cat will play to alert the user.
  • It will then count to 10 prior to checking the price again.

Of note. keep the timer in place at 10 seconds or longer as not to connect too many times to the target sites server. Use this program responsibly.


The inspiration for this program is TV show Silicon Valley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS1KcjkWdoU

Credit to amphibian_probe https://freesound.org/people/amphibian_probe/sounds/163286/ for the use of the cat noise.

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