This is a collection of smaller projects which utilise JavaScript
A collection of smaller projects programmed in JavaScript. This collection has been added to a single repository to prevent clutter.
Number Guessing game
A simple number guessing game in which you attempt to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. Faliure will result in your page being filled will disaproving cats.
This game utilises JS, HTML and CSS.
Playwright webscraper
This is a program that utilises Microsoft's open source library Playwright. The program with go to a webpage of your choosing and recover a specified amount of article titles and links. The real world application of this software would be to record what news sites are displaying or to collection search engine results.
This software utilises JS, HTML, CSS, Node.JS and Playwright.
All of these projects utilise original design and programming code. Please feel free to take any concepts used here and add them to your own projects.