
A collection of smaller projects programmed in Python. This collection has been added to a single repository to prevent clutter.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A collection of smaller projects programmed in Python. This collection has been added to a single repository to prevent clutter.

Hard at work

Loading Spin

- A specalised function created to be added into larger projects which require the loading of assets.

- This function creates a spinning animation as it loads content. It provides the percentage loaded into the project as well as colour feedback as the percentage increases.

- The function has been left as an example and can be played within its loop inside of the function however, to utilise the function in a larger project ensure to pass the percentage loaded as an argument into the function.

Spinning loader

Number Guessing Game

- A game in which the program takes your name and a range of values. It then generates a random number between your values and you attempt to guess the answer.

- This program has also had an additional scoreboard feature added in which it will read a JSON file, write to the file your username and score and then save the file for future users of the game.

To Do List

- A simple program that will allow the user to build a to do list, delete entries and view the list.

- This program utilises dictionaries and editing entries within them. The program has been arranged into functions and will check user input to ensure the requests are within the parameters of the information required prior to continuing.

Micro Browser and Micro Server

- Using Python Sockets import this browser will make a simple call to a website for the request of data.

- Similar to the browser, the server will create a local server and display a simple message when contacted.

BandName Generator

- A program that will generate a band name using dictionaries of various word types and taking an input from the user.

Hangman game

- A hangman game that utilises logic to allow the player to play through the game hangman. This game has the addition of ASCII art to improve the user experience.

Spinning loader

Blackjack game

- A Blackjack game that allows the player to hit and stick following reviewing their current hand. The logic handles wins, losses, when the dealer should and should not hit as well as calculating when the player obtains blackjack. The game is a foundational version of the logic. Additionally creating all individual cards and erasing them from the list as they are selected is possible.

Higher or Lower game

- A simple game that takes the amount of followers people hold on instagram and compares them to another from a randomly selected list. If the user guesses correctly who holds to most followers, they score a point. This game could later be adapted to use a webscraping tool to randomly select instagram accounts and compare follower data in real time.

Coffee Machine Logic

- The logic for a coffee machine to be functional. The program tracks the ingredients needed for orders, the cost, the amount paid and refunds when required. The coffee machine will only create drinks if it is able to do so with what it has, the machine will inform the user which ingredient is low. The machine will also submit a user report when prompted and turn off when asked to do so.

Turtle Racing (OOP)

- This is a game created within the Turtle library which allows the user to bet on which turtle will cross the line first. The project uses object-oriented programming.


- The user is prompted to pick a colour from a list of provided colours.


- The turtles objects are then created within a loop with seperate attributes and proceed across the screen at random intervals. If the user guessed the correct turtle to pass the screen first, the user wins.

Mail inbox templates

- This program will take a list of names from an external txt file, it will then take a letter template and replace a placeholder name with the the name from the list. To finish, the program will create a new letter txt file in the outbox folder ready to be sent for every name in the list.

QR Creator (qrcode library)

- This program uses the non-standard Python library qrcode. The program has been constructed after reading the library whitenotes. The program will take an input from the user as a string and then place this information into a QR code. The image will then be generated in another folder (generated_codes) for storage. The program loops allowing the user to make many codes quickly. The program will exit out of the loop if the user uses any exit terms such as 'exit' or 'quit'. The below generated code is to my own site.

qr code

All of these projects utilise original design and programming code. Please feel free to take any concepts used here and add them to your own projects.

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