
An example of using Python's Turtle library to draw graphics

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

TurtleArt SPACE

This is a program that randomly generates stars and space objects to the screen



- In this program all the user has to do is run the code and sit and watch the imagery.

- The code performs the following;

  • Creates a window and music mixer. Plays music
  • Randomly decides which objects it will draw
  • Randomly decides how many stars to draw
  • Randomly decides in what quantity it will draw the stars
  • Ramdomly allocates the colour from a selection of colours
  • Randomly decides where to draw the the items

This program will generate a different spacescape every time it is run.


Credits to the assistance of drawing various shapes from various tutorials online.

Credit to Drakensson https://freesound.org/people/Drakensson/sounds/547029/ for the use of the music used.

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