A forensic script that can help you to extract mouse movement / click data from usb traffic files.
git clone https://github.com/WangYihang/USB-Mouse-Pcap-Visualizer.git
cd USB-Mouse-Pcap-Visualizer
pip install poetry
poetry install
Install WireShark and add tshark
to your PATH
Linux (Ubuntu)
sudo apt install tshark
poetry run python usb-mouse-pcap-visualizer.py --help
usage: usb-mouse-pcap-visualizer.py [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
Path to the input pcap file.
poetry run python usb-mouse-pcap-visualizer.py -i example/example.pcap
The left button will be rendered as red, the right button will be rendered as blue, and mouse movement will be rendered as grey.