
Utility for outbound connection verification

Primary LanguageC#

  • It is a cross-platform utility designed with extensibility in mind, where it could easily be hooked up with various services in public.
  • Objective is to understand with a small narrow code if basic connectivity parameters are valid.
  • And, if there are any challenges with .NET echosystem or platform, we can easily get the idea fair quickly and act accordingly.
  • Currently, it just have integration capabilities developed for:
    • REST


  • It is envisoned to cover most of the regular services that are heavily used. There is no restriction which all services makes the best sense over here.
  • It just needs contribution to make it even better via PR.
  • The next level development effort would e.g. be on AZURE REDIS CACHE, AZURE STORAGE, AZURE COSMOS, etc..


  • Download the utility from here
  • Unzip in Windows via [Extract all] or PS

    `> Expand-Archive -LiteralPath .\PeepAcross-win-x64.Zip -DestinationPath .

  • Unzip in Linux via [tar]

    $ tar -xvf PeepAcross-linux-x64.tgz

How to run??

  • Open PS or cmd or a termnial
  • Go to the directory where package is downloaded (via cd)
  • If .NET Framework based test, use PeepAcross-Full.exe (expects >= 4.6.1 .NET framework installed)
    > .\PeepAcross-Full.exe
    Usage: PeepAcross-Full [-sql]
  • If .NET Core based test, use PeepAcross-Core.exe (app is self-contained)
    > .\PeepAcross-Core.exe
    Usage: PeepAcross-Core [-sql]
  • If .NET Core based test on any linux distro, use PeepAcross-Core.exe (app is self-contained)
    $ ./PeepAcross-Core.exe
    Usage: PeepAcross-Core [-sql]


This section have detailed on SQL related connectivity test.


>>.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -sql -sqlServer ""  
                            -sqlServerPort ""  
                            -sqlDatabase ""  
                            -sqlQuery ""  
                            -aadTenantId ""  
                            -aadClientId "" 
                            -aadClientSecretKey ""


  • If SQL Managed Identity based communication
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -sql -sqlServer YOURAZSQLSERVER.database.windows.net -sqlServerPort YOURSQLPORT -sqlDatabase YOURAZSQLDB -sqlQuery "YOUR SQL QUERY" -aadTenantId YOUR-AAD-TENANT-ID -aadClientId YOUR-AAD-CLIENT-ID -aadClientSecretKey YOUR-AAD-CLIENT-SECRET-KEY
  • If SQL userid password based communication
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -sql -sqlServer YOURAZSQLSERVER.database.windows.net -sqlServerPort YOURSQLPORT -sqlDatabase YOURAZSQLDB -sqlQuery "YOUR SQL QUERY" -sqlUserID "YOUR-SQL-USERID" -sqlUserPassword "YOUR-SQL-USER-PASSWORD"


  • All CRUD operations (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE + HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH) are open to be tested.
  • There is an option to load test here too. However, the code block would reuse the client socket for each outbound communication.


>>.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri ""  
                            -methodKind ""  
                            -bypassServerCertValidation "" 
                            -clientCertificate ","  
                            -headers ""  
                            -body ""  
                            -loadTest ""


  • GET call
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI
  • GET call if needs server certificate validation override
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -bypassServerCertValidation true
  • GET call if needs client certificate be presented from certificate store
    • Pass client certificate thumbprint
    • Pass CurrentUser or LocalMachine after comma delimiter
    • Internally hard-coded to pull certificate from personal store
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind get -clientCertificate "YOUR-CLIENTCERT-THUMBPRINT,YOUR-STORE-LOCATION" 
  • GET call if needs client certificate be presented from filesystem with pfx or pem
    • Provide the full path name to your pfx or pem file (could be relative too)
    • Provide the password if exists, otherwise just pass empty after comma
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind get -clientCertificate "YOUR-CLIENTCERT-FILE-PATH-NAME,YOUR-CERT-PASSWORD" 
  • GET with headers and bypass server certificate validation
    • Raw headers in json and just one line without passing any double quotes
    • e.g. -headers "{h1:k1,h2:k2}"
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind get -headers "YOUR-RAW-HEADERS-IN-JSON" -bypassServerCertValidation true
  • GET with headers JSON file and bypass server certificate validation
    • Pass json headers file with full path name, which can have a well-formed JSON content
    • e.g. -headers ".\header1.json"
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind get -headers "YOUR-HEADERS-JSON-FILE-PATH" -bypassServerCertValidation true
  • POST with body JSON in RAW string and bypass server certificate validation
    • Raw body in json and just one line without passing any double quotes
    • e.g. -body "{myProperty1:string1,myProperty2:string2,myProperty3:string3}"
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind post -headers "YOUR-RAW-BODY-IN-JSON" -bypassServerCertValidation true
  • POST with body JSON file and bypass server certificate validation
    • Pass json body file with full path name, which can have a well-formed JSON content
    • e.g. -body ".\body1.json"
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind post -body "YOUR-BODY-JSON-FILE-PATH" -bypassServerCertValidation true
  • Load test for POST with body JSON file and bypass server certificate validation
    • Pass json body file with full path name, which can have a well-formed JSON content
    • e.g. -body ".\body1.json"
    • Pass load test parameter number (>0 and INT32.MAXVALUE is the limit)
    • e.g. -loadTest 10
.\PeepAcross-Core.exe -httpclient -serviceUri YOUR-SERVICE-URI -methodKind post -body "YOUR-BODY-JSON-FILE-PATH" -bypassServerCertValidation true -loadTest COUNT