
Midterm project for LHL: Wiki Map lets you create, navigate or modify maps depending on your interests: "Best Dog Parks", "Best Restaurants Around Town", etc. Worked on this with @Coltonb-boop.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wiki Map

Wiki Map is an app where you can discover maps depending on your interests: 'Best Dog Parks', 'Best Beach Parks Around Town', etc. It currently shows maps only for: Toronto (Ontario), Calgary (Alberta) and Vancouver (British Columbia).

This is a collaborative project for Lighthouse Labs's Midterms between:


  • A non-registered or non-logged-in user can view a list of maps, but they can't create, edit or delete pins.
  • A logged-in user can't modify maps (create, edit and delete pins).
  • They can create new maps and edit, delete or add pins to it.
  • They can 'Favorite' a map or remove it from their Favorites.


  1. Create the .env by using .env.example as a reference: cp .env.example .env
  2. Update the .env file with your correct local information (username, password, database)
  3. Install dependencies: npm i
  4. Fix to binaries for sass: npm rebuild node-sass
  5. Reset database: npm run db:reset
  6. Check the db folder to see what gets created and seeded in the SDB
  7. Run the server: npm run local (Note: nodemon is used, so you should not have to restart your server)
  8. Visit http://localhost:8080/


  • Node
  • NPM
  • PG
  • Chalk
  • cookie-session
  • method-override
  • dotenv
  • EJS
  • SASS
  • Express
  • Morgan
  • Nodemon

Final Product

"Home page" "Profile page" "Create new map" "Edit or Delete pin" "Create new pin"