
Github How-To


First, clone the repository using git clone

git clone

Setting Up

npm i inside 3 folders:

  1. tenant-landlord-app
  2. backend
  3. endtoend_test

Create 2 MySQL schemas landlord_tenant_portal and testing_landlord_tenant_portal
Import MySQL tables into landlord_tenant_portal and testing_landlord_tenant_portal schemas
Next, prepare .env inside backend folder and tenant-landlord-app (for testing)
Finally, run npm start in backend
run npm start in tenant-landlord-app
The application should be accessible through http://localhost:3000/ now


Have a quotation.pdf and a lease.pdf as a test pdf file
Stop any running backend and run npm run test-launch in backend instead of npm start
run npm test in tenant-landlord-app

.env properties

APP_PORT - Port that the backend runs on, for example '5000'
DB_PORT - Port that the database runs on, for example '3306'
DB_HOST - IP that the database is hosted, for example ""
DB_USER - Username to login to database, for example "root"
DB_PASSWORD - Password to login to database
DB_MYSQL - Name of schema to use, for example 'landlord_tenant_portal'

JWT_SECRET - Any secret key that only the app knows, to generate reset password links
AUTH_USER - Email that will send out reset password links
AUTH_PASSWORD - Third party password to login to the above email

These properties are required for running npm test.
DB_TESTPORT = '3306'
DB_TESTUSER = 'root'
DB_TESTMYSQL = 'testing_landlord_tenant_portal'