SE & Webtech project repo

Project URL's

Provide a link to the main page of your application. Or if you have multiple parts in your website you can provide a list of links (i.e. not all pages are in your main navigation bar)

TODO: * Admin page

TODO: Website credentials

Regular user

  • login :
  • password :

Admin / Library manager / ...

  • login :
  • password :

Implemented Features

Provide a short description of the actual implemented features in your project

  • user authentication
  • Favouriting books
  • Commenting on books
  • Friends

Hello, welcome to our WebTech project


This project implements 2 classes, web technologies and software engineering meaning that we have to:

Design and implement a web app using modern web technologies

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PHP – Symfony Framework
  • JavaScript ES6 and beyond
  • Healthy and thought trough code base prevails wide set of features

Work in team and follow an agile process

  • GitLab Issue Board
  • it log as process documentation


For this project we have to make a website called BookBinder, it is a sort of social media for the library in Heeverlee to encourage joung readers to find other joung readers with interest in the same books so that they can discuss them.

Minimal Requirements

  • MySQL database with 5 or more tables
  • Fully mapped ORM
  • User login/authentication
  • Test code coverage >65%
  • Test data with >1000 database records
  • Use of local/remote JSON API
  • (automatically) deployed on server

Team members

  • Project Manager/ SCRUM master: Sinyeol An
  • DB engineer: Zeus Anseeuw
  • Backend Developer: Wentai Ye
  • Frontend Developer: Dries Van Ranst
  • Deployment/CI engineer: Cédric Josse

Using this repo

Installing githooks

To make our project consistent, please install the githooks by running the following command.

composer install-githooks