
User Guide for the UChicago Research Computing Center's High Performance Computing Clusters

View the docs: https://rcc-uchicago.github.io/user-guide/

Make a suggestion or report an issue: https://github.com/rcc-uchicago/user-guide/issues/new

Edit the guide yourself

  1. Install Material for MkDocs Run the following line in your command line interface (terminal/powershell):

    pip install mkdocs-material

    If already installed, update for latest functionality:

    pip install --upgrade mkdocs-material
  2. Clone this repository to your machine.

    git clone https://github.com/rcc-uchicago/user-guide.git rcc-user-guide
  3. Build the site locally
    Enter the repository (rcc-user-guide) and create a new branch for your edits

    cd rcc-user-guide
    git checkout -b my-edits

    Then run:

    mkdocs serve

    mkdocs will open up its built-in dev server that lets you preview documentation as you work on it. Simply open the provided address (something like: in your browser of choice, and you should see the user guide. As you make changes to the source documents, this site will automatically update. For more information, see here.

    If there are messages about missing modules, e.g. monorepo, install them

    pip install mkdocs-monorepo-material
  4. Edit content
    Make whatever edits or additions to the user guide by editing the source markdown documents, located in docs/. (Editable canva infographics: RCC Workflow, Running Jobs Workflow).

  5. Update mkdocs.yml
    If you add any new pages or change any page names, be sure to update the nav section in mkdocs.yml, and check the dev server to ensure the updated nav is working.

  6. Submit a pull request
    When you've made your changes, commit the changes you have made in your branch, push the new branch to GitHub:

    git add [your added files, if any]
    git commit -a
    git push --set-upstream origin my-edits