7 Days of Terraform

Welcome to the 7 Days of Terraform repository! 🚀

In this repository, you'll find a series of resources and code examples for mastering Terraform over the course of 7 days. Each day covers a different aspect of Terraform, from the basics to more advanced topics, culminating in real-world project implementations.

How to Use This Repository

Day-wise Structure

The repository is organized into folders corresponding to each day of the series. Here's a breakdown of what you'll find in each folder:

  • Day 1: Introduction to Terraform
  • Day 2: Setting Up Your Environment
  • Day 3: Creating Your First Terraform Configuration
  • Day 4: Managing Resources
  • Day 5: Terraform Modules
  • Day 6: Advanced Terraform Concepts
  • Day 7: Best Practices and Next Steps

Each folder contains code examples, explanations, and any additional resources relevant to that day's topic.

Project Days

The final two days of the series are dedicated to real-world projects using Terraform. In these folders, you'll find complete project implementations along with detailed instructions on how to set up and run them.


Feel free to contribute to this repository by:

  • Providing feedback on existing content
  • Submitting bug fixes or improvements
  • Suggesting new topics or enhancements

Getting Started

To get started with the 7 Days of Terraform series, simply clone or download this repository to your local machine. Then, navigate to the corresponding day's folder and follow the instructions provided in the README.md file.

Stay Connected

Don't forget to follow along with the series on LinkedIn, where daily blog posts and updates will be shared. If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions, feel free to reach out and engage with the community.

Let's embark on this Terraform journey together! Happy coding! 🌟💻

Author: Purushotam Sharma

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/purushotamsharma/

GitHub: https://github.com/PurushotamSharma