JWT-Based CRUD Operations in Django

This Django project focuses on building a web application that allows users to manage a collection of items. It employs JWT-based authentication for user access and implements CRUD operations to handle the items in the collection.


  • User Authentication with JWT
  • API Endpoints
  • Item Management
  • JWT Token Handling

Steps to run this project in local System

  1. Clone the project from github
  git clone https://github.com/PurviGoyal7/Django-JWT-CRUD-Project.git
  1. Go to the project directory
  cd Django-JWT-CRUD-Project
  1. Install and start mysql serevr

  2. Install Requirements for the project

  pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run migrations
  python manage.py makemigrations
  python manage.py migrate
  1. Run project
  python manage.py runserver

API Reference

Please find API Documentation here

Database Schema

Untitled Diagram drawio (1)
