This is a budget manager project.

The technologies used in this project are: Html, Css, Javascript, Mongo Db. The dependencies are: Node js, Express js, mongoose.

In this project, initially, there is an authentication system. This system, has two parts, login and register. Hashing and salting authentication has been implemented.

After successful login, comes the home page. It has a navbar that has the following options: a) Dashboard b)Settings c)Log Out

On the settings page, user can add budget, select its category, enter the item and cost.

On the Dashboard page, first, the budget of the user is displayed.Then, there are three buttons. Add expense, view expense and Update expense.

a)On clicking add expense, user gets directed to settings page where he/she can add items to database. b)On clicking view expense, the items in the database get displayed, and there are check boxes along side. One can check one of them, to delete an item ie strike it out. The item does not get deleted from the database.When an item is deleted, the budget amount also gets deleted. c)Update expense lets the user to update item name as well as its cost. When cost is updated, the budget amount also changes.

The log out button logs the user out of the website.


Landing Page


Login Page


Register page


Home Page


Dashboard 1


Dashboard 2


Dashboard 3


Settings Page