
The GitHub Repositories Explorer is a web application designed to help users explore and view public repositories for a specified GitHub user. The application leverages the GitHub API to retrieve repository data and provides an interactive and user-friendly interface. It incorporates server-side pagination, loader indicators for a seamless exp.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The GitHub Repositories Explorer is a web application designed to help users explore and view public repositories for a specified GitHub user. The application leverages the GitHub API to retrieve repository data and provides an interactive and user-friendly interface. It incorporates server-side pagination, loader indicators for a seamless experience, and an optional search bar for repository filtering.


  • font-awesome/6.0.0 used for displaying icons and styles
  • Github_username Examples: johnpapa, Pushpendra-1697
  • Default placeholders for profile and description assume any lorem ips if not specified in any Repository
  • Design customized loader indicator by CSS only
  • In pagination default page limit = 10 and page_number = 1 considered
  • Disable "Previous" button when on the first page

Hosted Web App Link on netlify


How to run locally

  • On Windows
    start index.html
  • On macOS
    open index.html   
  • On Linux
    xdg-open index.html