
This application for sports enthusiasts to find and join sports events near them. With this app, users can browse a list of available events, view details about each event, and join the events they are interested in. The app allows users to create their own events and join other users after token-based authentication.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sports App (Playo Application)


This application for sports enthusiasts to find and join sports events near them. With this app, users can browse a list of available events, view details about each event, and join the events they are interested in. The app allows users to create their own events and join other users after token-based authentication.

Frontend Verecel Deployed Link :


Backend Cyclic Deployed Link:


Tech Stack :

A) Frontend :

React (JSX Syntax), Redux, Chakra-ui Library for Styling & Modal, axios for handling asynchrous request, react-router-dom for routing or Navigate from one page to another, Standard react components, React-hooks, chakra-icons & react-icons.

B) Backend :

Node.js, Express.js, mongodb (NoSQL), mongoose for connect database to server, cors for handling the cors error, relationships between collections, BSON and Bsondump.

Some instructions to run locally :

For Setup ---> npm install

For Frontend: ---> npm run start

For Backend: ----> npm run server

PORT ---> 3000 || 8080

Some HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Status Code Which I used :

404 ---> Not Found/failure

200 ---> OK/Success/get/put

201 ---> Created/post

204 ----> Delete/reject

Some Project Screenshots :

A) For Computer Screen:

Screenshot (195) Screenshot (196) Screenshot (197) Screenshot (198) Screenshot (199)

B) For Mobile/Tablet Screen :

Screenshot (200) Screenshot (202) Screenshot (203)