
This React onboarding project includes pages for login, signup, home, and profile functionalities, catering to user authentication and navigation, facilitating a seamless design experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Recipe Application


This React onboarding project includes pages for login, signup, home, and profile functionalities, catering to user authentication and navigation, and facilitating a seamless design experience.

Verecel Deployed Link ๐Ÿ”—


JSON Mock data ๐Ÿ”—


Installation steps / How to run locally? โœŒ๏ธ

Clone the Repository from GitHub. https://github.com/Pushpendra-1697/worldref

Then do the following steps:

  • On Windows
    npm install
    npm run start

Tech Stacks ๐Ÿ 

React (JSX Syntax), Redux, HTML-CSS-JS, Authentication, Axios for handling asynchronous requests, react-router-dom for routing or Navigate from one page to another, Standard react components, and React-hooks.

Demo Login Credentials ๐Ÿงช

Use these Credentials to log in.

Email: eve.holt@reqres.in

Password: cityslicka

Root Directory ๐Ÿก : /

PORT Used ๐Ÿงฝ


Features โค๏ธ

  • Implemented a login feature and display cards on the home page.
  • The cards have a heading, description, and two buttons - "Add to Deals" and "Check Details".
  • Authenticated users can access these buttons, while non-authenticated users are redirected to the login/register page.
  • Logout is working as expected
  • made public and private routes
  • Public routes: /dashboard, /login
  • Private routes: /, /deals, /details, /recipe details
  • maintained auth and recipes states by redux
  • authentication status is updated according to authenticated and non-authenticated users
  • Implemented cypress testing

Additional Feature ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • User can see the recipe details page also.

Some Project Screenshots :

A) For Computer Screen:

Screenshot (568) Screenshot (570) Screenshot (571) Screenshot (574)

B) For Mobile/Tablet Screen :

Screenshot (569) Screenshot (572) Screenshot (573)