
Task Management Mobile App With React Native with Redux Tool Kit.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Task Management Mobile App

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All Features 🌟

1. Redux Toolkit for Task State Management

All Tasks

  • To change the status of a task to "Complete" and update its date to the date when it was completed.

2. Add Task

Add a new Task

  • We can add or remove Tasks.

    Filter Tasks

  • Allows users to easily filter tasks by date, status, and priority, providing a streamlined and efficient task management experience.

Getting Started 🚀


Before you begin contributing to this project, make sure you have the following set up:

  • Node.js: A JavaScript runtime.
  • npm: The Node.js package manager.

Run This ⌨️

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Install Dependencies:

     npm install
  3. Run This Project:

    npm run dev

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Built With

This section highlights the key frameworks and libraries that form the foundation of your project. Below are some notable examples:

  • TypeScript: A superset of JavaScript that adds static types.
  • JavaScript: The programming language of
  • MongoDB: The database for modern applications.
  • Vercel: Cloud platform for serverless deployment and hosting.
  • ESLint: Pluggable linting utility for identifying and fixing code issues.
  • Prettier: Opinionated code formatter to ensure consistent code styling the web.

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Contributing 🌟

Making Contributions

We welcome and appreciate contributions from the community ❤️! Here's how you can contribute:

  • Open Issues: Check for open issues or create a new one to start discussions.
  • Fork the Repository: Fork the project to your own GitHub account.
  • Create Pull Request: Make changes in your fork and submit a pull request.

Welcome Contributors!

🚀 Thank you for considering contributing to this project! Your involvement makes this template even better. Feel free to explore the code, share your ideas, and make improvements ✌️.

🌟 Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. Together, let's make this project amazing!🟩

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Puskar Roy🖋️