----------- Unturned Server Manager -----------
Version: Public
.Net Framework 4.8 or later versions
Windows or Linux
V4.0.1.2 -
- Rocketmod shut their dedicated machines down. "Latest" rocketmod version is now permanently #1363
- Modified update menu to work correctly without rocketmod versions.
V4.0.1.1 -
- Updated .NET Framework to 4.8
- Updated packages to latest versions
V4.0.1.0 -
- Added Try Catch to prevent crashing when retrieving RocketMod's latest build if it isn't available.
- Added a message when downloading rocketmod fails.
- Added support to run SteamCMD on Linux without checking if it exists (See Linux install wiki)
- Added support to startup a server on Linux by using ServerHelper.sh that comes with 1110390.
- Added minor console logging for startup/shutdown of a server since 1110390 doesn't have fully functional console output in Linux.
- Added install check support for Linux (verifying that Unturned_Headless.x86_64 exists).
- Added a limit to how many times verification of the installation happens (Previously unlimited, now only 10 tries).
- Updated packages to latest versions.
- Changed APPID download from 304930 (Unturned) to 1110390 (Unturned Dedicated Server Tool)
- Changed initial message to not mention 10GB required, and instead mention 3GB minimum. (U3DS is small in comparison to the base game)
- Changed all links from my previous username to my current username.
- Removed Steam Login (1110390 can be downloaded with Anonymous steam login)
- Removed tracking of unturned version, instead using DateTime to figure out when was the last update done at.
- Removed unneeded Memory.Servers and moved its use to Loading.Servers.
- Removed all in-software icons (current incompatibility with Linux)
- Fixed server cloning not copying over the settings.
- Fixed changing settings not applying to the server.
- Fixed unable to create servers with a space in their name.
- Fixed any possible errors during download from crashing the program.
- Fixed all paths to use a normal slash instead of a backwards slash (Compatibility with Linux)
- Fixed GameConfiguration.cs for JSON (Was using fields, now uses properties)
V4.0.0.2 -
- Removed vanilla server option due to high disk usage.
- Fixed updating menu crashing the application.
- Code Cleanup (Jetbrains Rider)
V4.0.0.1 -
- Fixed raised exception when leaving the map field empty in the server configuration, saving and loading it again. (Credit to Luke_ArOres#0769 for finding it)
- Fixed forgotten addition of auto-detection of workshop maps. (Credit to Luke_ArOres#0769 for reminding of this issue)
- Fixed minor issue when loading maps for a vanilla server.
- Updated Fody and Costura.Fody to latest versions.
V4.0.0.0 -
- Added more local control over server instances.
- Added filesystem control.
- Added constants file.
- Added steam login.
- Added Costura.Fody so that no referenced libraries are required next to the executable
- Improved plugin installer.
- Improved workshop installer.
- Improved design for the manager.
- Improved installation checking.
- Improved the entry for clean loading.
- Improved back-end downloading + Updating.
- Improved form controls for the server settings.
- Improved saved configuration files to json formatted files.
- Changed version retreival from github file to custom build numbers.
- Changed background colour to "Control" from FF0000.
- Removed project signing (due to Costura.Fody issues).
- Removed self-version checking.
- Removed logging.
- Fixed updating issues.
- Cleaned up & organised code.
V3.0.1.4 -
- Fixed A Problem With The Updater Tool GUI Displaying + Storing The Wrong Version Values.
V3.0.1.3 -
- Fixed The Ability To Launch More Than 1 Instance Of USM.
- Fixed TickTimer Form Showing When Doing Alt+Tab.
V3.0.1.2 -
- Fixed A Problem With Plugin Integrity Update.
V3.0.1.1 -
- Fixed The Ability To Resize The Updater Tool.
- Fixed The Startup Position Of The Server Settings Tool And Updater Tool.
- Re-Added USMVer.dat File To Notify Old Versions Of New Update.
V3.0.1.0 -
- Fixed The Inability To Change The Server Path From GUI.
- Fixed Inability To Start Program Again After Force Shutdown/Crash.
- Fixed Plugin Lists And Download.
- Fixed Unturned Version Not Updating On GUI With "Update All".
- Fixed Unknown DLL Files When Installing Some Plugins.
- Fixed Way To Download Data Files.
- Fixed The Bug With Using A Link In The Install By ID.
- Changed Unturned Updater Redirector.
- Added Versions.zip And Plugins.zip To Data Folder.
- Added .GitIgnore To Upload The Code Easier Without The Loss Of Local Data.
- Removed USM.exe, PIVer.dat, Plugins.dat, PluginsDl.dat, PluginsPage.dat, RocVer.dat, UntVer.dat And USMVer.dat From Data Folder.
V3.0.0.5 -
- Fixed Multiple Bugs With The Workshop Install Tool.
- Fixed Logger.
- Fixed Unturned Install.
- Fixed "Update All" Workshop Items Bug.
- Fixed Install By Id Workshop Items Bug.
- Changed Unturned Install Method.
V3.0.0.4 -
- Fixed Unable To Start Program In Offline Mode
- Fixed Bug When Puting A Non-Directory Link In Workshop Installer.
- Fixed Multiple Bugs With The Unturned Updater.
- Removed Comment About Unturned Updating Being Disabled.
- Enabled/Added Unturned Update Option.
- Added Option To Install Workshop Items By Item ID.
- Added "Update All" Button To Workshop Installer.
- Added Logger & System Logging To Log.txt.
- Changed Background Color To All Forms.
V3.0.0.3 -
- Fixed Updater.
- Fixed Few Errors With Plugin Installer.
- Fixed Few Errors With Downloader.cs.
- Fixed Per-Server Saving Issue.
- Fixed Issue With Plugin Management Button Being Active After Server Launch.
- Fixed Issue With Not Setting Difficulty.
- Changed Server ID Managing.
- Removed Github File Rocket_Latest.zip - Changed To Rocket Direct Download Link.
V3.0.0.2 -
- Fixed An Error With The Versions.dat File.
V3.0.0.1 -
- Fixed An Error When Launching The Updater Tool.
- Fixed A Bug Returning An Exception When Loading The Plugin Installer Without The PI Files.
- Added A Loop To Check If Rocket Is Installed, If It Isn't Plugin Install Is Disabled.
V3.0.0.0 -
- Fixed Issue With Gold Mode.
- Fixed Rocket Installation Freezing.
- Fixed Rocket Updating.
- Fixed/Added Ease of install for plugins.
- Fixed Bug With Workshop Item IDs Not Displaying.
- Fixed Per-Server SRS.
- Added Full Updater.
- Added Plugin Integrity files to include downloads and web pages to working plugins and their names.
- Added System Tray Icon.
- Added Local Server Configuration Files.
- Added Button To Open Selected Workshop Items In Browser.
- Disabled Unturned Updating For A Future, Much Better Update.
- Removed Rocket Updating Animation.
- Removed Global SRS.
- Removed Rocket Libraries.
- Changed User Interface.
- Changed Max servers from 4 to 100.
- Changed USM.lock file position.
- Changed Per-Server SRS Limiters.
- Changed Self-Version Checking Feature To The Full Updater + Notification.
- Changed USM Configuration File.
V2.0.1.0 -
- Changed How Rocket Install Works Due To Rocket Changing Their Builds And How They Function (Fully explained here: https://rocketmod.net/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2961).
- Added Small Self-Version Checking Feature. Will Be Improved In Expected Release.
V2.0.0.0 -
- Added Link To Reddit Post.
- Fixed SRS (Shutdown, Restart and Start) Buttons To Apply To The Servers That The Program Started Only.
- Added Rocket Install, Workshop Install And Plugin Install (Plugin install is buggy!).
- Added Per-Server SRS Features.
V1.0.0.1 - Added link to github page.
----------- Unturned Server Manager -----------