DEPRECATED: use instead


yarn add tailwind-sort-class-names


yarn run tw-scn your-file.tsx [... other files seperated by empty space] 

initiales setup um sortierungsliste zu schreiben

setup with intellij via external tool (webstorm, phpstorm, ...)

Neues external tool erstellen via Settings > Tools > External Tools > +

  1. Program: => path to yarn-binary (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\bin\yarn)
  2. Arguments: node sort-class-names.js $FilePath$
    • tw-scn (script from this repo - you need to copy it into your workspace)
    • (empty space to seperate the script from its argument)
    • $FilePath$ which is the currently edited file
  3. Working Directory: => $ProjectFileDir$ (so that the node-script can use the node_modules folder correctly with the correct wrking dir)
  4. uncheck open console for tool output
  5. check Synchronize Files after execution

create this external tool as a shortcut

setup with intellij via filewatcher (webstorm, phpstorm, ...)

Neuen custom File Watcher erstellen via Settings > Tools > File Watchers > + > custom und wie folgt einrichten:

  1. Program: => path to yarn-binary (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\bin\yarn)
  2. Arguments: node sort-class-names.js $FilePath$
    • node sort-class-names.js (script from this repo - you need to copy it into your workspace)
    • (empty space to seperate the script from its argument)
    • $FilePath$ which is the currently edited file
  3. Output paths to refres: => $FilePath$
  4. Working Directory: => $ProjectFileDir$ (so that the node-script can use the node_modules folder correctly with the correct wrking dir)
  5. (ausklappen von "Working directory and Environment Variables")
  6. disable Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher
  7. (make sure to not use prettier on save on this files)