
Setup scripts for getting CNCjs running on your headless Raspberry Pi.

Primary LanguageShell


Setting up CNCjs on a Raspberry Pi has a few steps which I've wrapped up in a simple setup script.

Start from a fresh installation of Raspbian Lite; no desktop needed since you'll access the CNCjs interface remotely from another computer.

Log into the pi directly using an attached monitor/keyboard.

download this repo: curl -LJ https://github.com/PwnCNC/cncjs-pi/tarball/master -o cncjs-pi.tar.gz

Untar file: tar xvf cncjs-pi.tar.gz

Rename directory... this is where you'll need to run ls to see what the dir name is... in my case, it untarred as PwnCNC-cncjs-pi-efa0692, your directory may have a different trailing chars so rename it... mv PwnCNC-cncjs-pi-efa0692 cncjs-pi

then cd into that directory cd /home/pi/cncjs-pi

run installation script: sudo ./setup.sh