CSD3120 Team Project

The awesome people who developed this

  • 2000899 PEH SHI HAO
  • 2001003 BORIS YEN FU SHENG
  • 2001062 SEE YONG LI
  • 2001145 PHANG JIA RONG
  • 2001908 OW XIN RUI
  • 2000681 EE XUAN EN, ARVIN

We present to you..


About the game

A survival zombie game made for WebXR in Unity, using VRTK4 and Unity store assets.

This is a school project developed by students under CSD3120, DigiPen Singapore's Introduction to Virtual Reality module.


You are a scientist struggling to survive in a post apocalyptic world. Chemical zombies are being sent your way! Fortunately, you know the secret to repelling the zombies:

They react negatively to certain molecules!

Craft the right molecules at your special work desk. Load the molecules onto your augmented gun and fire them at the zombies!

Kill zombies and learn about atoms and molecule creation! #ChemistryWithZombies

Link to the game

Open this link in the Edge browser:


Link to a video demo


Prerequisites to play

You would need the Edge web browser with the Immersive Web Emulator Plugin.

A Quest 2 can also be used to play the game in the web browser.

Instructions to play on the Edge web browser

Press F12 to access dev tools and navigate to WebXR on the top bar

WebXR navigation

Press the VR button and you're ready to play!

VR button

Alternatively, connect your Quest 2 to your computer or laptop and play it on the browser!

Known issues

Small visual glitch remains after crafting certain atoms.

You may also refer to the video demo link above to get a better idea of our game.

How to play

Goal of the game

  • Learn to create real life molecules using a combination of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon atoms.
  • Use the gun to fire the combined molecules at the zombies.

Creating the atoms

  • Use the grab action button on the "H", "C", "O" buttons on the chalkboard to create the Hydrogen, Carbon and Oxygen atoms respectively.

Creating the molecules

  • Bring an atom toward the circular indicators on the chalkboard to prime them for combining.
  • Use the grab action button on the "Create" button on the chalkboard to create the corresponding molecule from the combination of atoms.

Other chalkboard interactions

  • "Change scene" button progresses the game to a different, more difficult scene with more zombies.

Gun interactions

  • Use the grab action button when hovering over the gun to snap the gun into your hand.
  • Aim the gun by moving your controller around. Orientating of the gun barrel can also be done by grabbing the front of the gun with second controller.
  • Use the right trigger button to fire the gun.
  • You can only have 1 molecule type loaded at a time, but it can be replaced by inserting another molecule into the gun.

Loading the gun

  • Grab a molecule and bring it to the gun's lower barrel area, indicated with a highlighted zone. This will automatically load the gun with the molecule.

Zombie interactions

  • Molecules destroy zombies on contact if they are weak to it.
  • Zombies will have an indication above their heads for what they are weak towards.

Molecule interactions The following molecules that can be created using the chalkboard are as follows:

1. Hydrogen Gas (H2)
2. Oxygen Gas (O2)
3. Water (H2O) 
4. Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
5. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
6. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
7. Methane (CH4)
8. Acetylene (C2H2)
9. Ethene (C2H4)
  • You can also grab the atoms and molecules using the grab action button (and throw them at the zombies).


  • These barricades get destroyed over time as the zombies hack away at them.
  • Firing or throwing a C2H4 molecule (a molecule used in creating plastic) at a barricade repairs it.

Locomotion method of choice

  • Walk around the scene by pushing the left thumbstick in different directions.
  • You can also teleport by:
    1. Holding down the right thumbstick.
    2. Aiming at a location.
    3. Then releasing it to teleport to the target location.

Scripts created for the game

All scripts we've developed for this game are included in ../Unity/Assets/Scripts.

These scripts exclude those imported from VRTK and other packages.

Accessing source

Requirements to access our source

  • Unity Hub
  • Unity Version 2021.3.8f1 and above

All working scenes created for the game are: ../Unity/Assets/Scenes/Gameplay.unity



All models used in the game are located in: ../Unity/Assets/Models

Assets accreditation

Overall scene decorations: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/environments/low-poly-survival-modular-kit-vr-and-mobile-128903

Zombie model: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/humanoids/simple-zombies-cartoon-characters-27935

Gun model: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/3d/characters/simple-military-cartoon-war-34497

Atoms and molecule models: Courtesy of an open source project: XRAuthor

Sounds: DigiPen Metadigger library

Future plans

  • Currently you will not die, or lose in the game.
  • Health bar UI that follows player view.

Contributions from each member


  • Gun interaction and logic
  • Playtesting


  • Report
  • Readme file
  • Playtesting


  • Report
  • Population of level 2
  • Barricade interactions and logic


  • Chalkboard interactions and logic
  • Atom and molecule interactions and logic


  • Video demo
  • Playtesting


  • Report
  • Population of level 1
  • Playtesting


  • Playtesting
  • Zombie interactions and logic
  • Zombie spawners

Source control was handled using Plastic SCM