
Asynchronous FIFO with Gray Code Read & Write Pointer.

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT

Entity: AsyncFIFO

  • File: AsyncFIFO.vhd




  • Name: Asynchronous FIFO
  • Version: 1.1.1
  • Author: Maximilian Passarello (Blog)

Asynchronous FIFO with Gray Code Read & Write Pointer.


  • 1.1.1 (2024-03-10) Complete overhaul of AsyncFIFO:
    *Added GrayCounter as a component
    *Optimized port definitions
    *Added timing diagrams
    *Create async. Flag generation
  • 1.1.0 (2009-05-16) Initial version

Timing Diagrams:

alt text

alt text


Generic name Type Value Description
Width integer 32 FIFO Word width: Data width of the FIFO
Depth integer 4 FIFO depth: Number of words the FIFO can store
RamTypeFifo string "Distributed" Implementation of the RAM: "Block" or "Distributed"

Virtual Buses


Port name Direction Type Description
WriteCLK in std_logic Write clock; indipendent from the read clock. Rising edge sensitive
WriteRST in std_logic Write reset; synchronous reset. Active high
WriteCE in std_logic Write clock enable: Used for the Write- and WriteGrayCounter-process. Active high
DataIn in std_logic_vector(Width - 1 downto 0) Data input: Must be valid at the rising edge of the write clock if the write enable signal is set.
WriteEnable in std_logic Enable the write of the data to the FIFO, if the FIFO is not full. Active high
FullFlag out std_logic Full flag: Indicates if the FIFO is full. Active high


Port name Direction Type Description
ReadCLK in std_logic Read clock; indipendent from the write clock. Rising edge sensitive
ReadRST in std_logic Read reset; synchronous reset. Active high
ReadCE in std_logic Read clock enable: Used for the Read- and ReadGrayCounter-process. Active high
DataOut out std_logic_vector(Width - 1 downto 0) Data output: The data is valid at the rising edge of the read clock one cycle after the read enable signal is set.
ReadEnable in std_logic Enable the read of the data from the FIFO, if the FIFO is not empty. Active high
EmptyFlag out std_logic Empty flag: Indicates if the FIFO is empty. Active high


Name Type Description
Fifo FifoType FIFO memory The FIFO memory is implemented as a RAM with the specified RamTypeFifo: "Block" or "Distributed".
ReadCounterEnable std_logic Increment enable signal for the read pointer.
FifoEmpty std_logic Internal empty flag; forwarded to the output.
ReadPointer std_logic_vector(AdressWidth - 1 downto 0) Internal read pointer.
ReadPointerLookAhead std_logic_vector(AdressWidth - 1 downto 0) Internal read pointer look ahead. (Read pointer + 1)
WriteCounterEnable std_logic Increment enable signal for the write pointer.
FifoFull std_logic Internal full flag; forwarded to the output.
WritePointer std_logic_vector(AdressWidth - 1 downto 0) Internal write pointer.
WritePointerLookAhead std_logic_vector(AdressWidth - 1 downto 0) Internal write pointer look ahead. (Write pointer + 1)


Name Type Value Description
AdressWidth integer log2(Depth) FIFO memory address width: The address width is calculated from the depth of the FIFO.


Name Type Description
FifoType FIFO memory type: Depth x Width


  • log2 (N : integer) return integer
    • Calculate the log2 of a number


  • Flags: ( WritePointer, ReadPointer, WritePointerLookAhead )
    • Description Full and empty flags The full and empty flags are purely combinatorial calculated from a comparison of the read and write pointers/look ahead values.
  • Write: ( WriteCLK )
    • Description Write process The write process writes the data to the FIFO if the FIFO is not full and the write enable signal is set. WriteCountEnable is used to synchronize the write pointer increment and is reset every time a rising edge of the write clock is detected.
  • Read: ( ReadCLK )
    • Description Read process The read process reads the data from the FIFO if the FIFO is not empty and the read enable signal is set. ReadCountEnable is used to synchronize the read pointer increment and is reset every time a rising edge of the read clock is detected.


  • WriteGrayCounter: GrayCounter
    • Write pointer as Gray counter The write pointer is incremented by one from the Write-process if the FIFO is not full and the write enable signal is set. The look ahead value is used as the next write pointer value and to check if the FIFO is full.- ReadGrayCounter: GrayCounter
    • Read pointer as Gray counter The read pointer is incremented by one from the Read-process if the FIFO is not empty and the read enable signal is set. The look ahead value is used as the next read pointer value.