
The Pipeline Controller provides an easy way to construct a pipeline with AXI-Like handshaking at the input and output of the pipeline. | The pipeline register provides a simple way to pipeline combinatorial logic using the register rebalancing of the synthesis.

Primary LanguageVHDLMIT LicenseMIT

Entity: PipelineController

  • File: PipelineController.vhd




  • Name: Pipeline Controller
  • Version: 0.0.1
  • Author: Maximilian Passarello (Blog)
  • License: MIT

The Pipeline Controller provides an easy way to construct a pipeline with AXI-Like handshaking at the input and output of the pipeline.

Core functions

  • Data flow control: Data flow control is implemented via handshaking at the input and output ports.
  • Validity control: The controller keeps the validity of the data in the individual pipeline stages under control.
  • Adjustability: The pipeline controller can be customized via the generics.


Use the generic G_PipelineStages to set how deep the pipeline is. This depth contains all the registers associated with the pipeline. For example, for an I_FF ⇨ Combinatorics ⇨ O_FF construction, the generic must be set to 2.

The active level of the reset input can also be set.

Clock Enable

The I_CE port is active high and, when deactivated, effectively switches on the acceptance or output of data via handshaking in addition to the pipeline.


A reset is explicitly not necessary on the pipeline registers. The validity of the data is kept under control via the pipeline controller and only this requires a dedicated reset if necessary.

Pipeline control

You must connect the O_Enable port to the CE input of the corresponding pipeline registers. This is used to activate or deactivate the pipeline in full or via CE deactivated state.

AXI like Handshaking

  • Input: The O_Ready (active high) port is used to signal to the data-supplying component that data should be accepted. If it switches on I_Valid (active high), this in turn signals that data is ready to be accepted at its output. If both ports are active at the same time, the transfer is executed.
  • Output: The process runs analogously at the pipeline output.


  • 0.0.1 (2024-03-24) Initial version


Generic name Type Value Description
G_PipelineStages integer 3 Number of pipeline stages (FFs in the pipeline including I/O FFs)
G_ResetActiveAt std_logic '1' Reset active at this level


Port name Direction Type Description
I_CLK in std_logic Clock signal; Rising edge triggered
I_RST in std_logic Reset signal; Active at G_ResetActiveAt
I_CE in std_logic Chip enable; Active high
O_Enable out std_logic Pipeline enable; Active high when pipeline can accept data and I_CE is high.
Note: Connect CE of the registers to be controlled by this controller to O_Enable.
Input-AXI-Handshake in Virtual bus Input AXI like Handshake
Output-AXI-Handshake out Virtual bus Output AXI like Handshake

Virtual Buses


Port name Direction Type Description
I_Valid in std_logic Valid data flag; indicates that the data on I_Data of the connected registers is valid.
O_Ready out std_logic Ready flag; indicates that the connected registers is ready to accept data.


Port name Direction Type Description
O_Valid out std_logic Valid data flag; indicates that the data on O_Data of the connected registers is valid.
I_Ready in std_logic Ready flag; indicates that the external component is ready to accept data.


Name Type Description
R_Valid std_logic_vector(G_PipelineStages - 1 downto 0) Pipeline ready signal for each stage of the pipeline to indicate that the data in pipeline is valid
C_Ready std_logic Ready signal for the pipeline controller to indicate that the pipeline can accept data;
mapped to O_Enable and O_Ready ports.


  • P_ExternalFlags: ( R_Valid, C_Ready, I_CE )
    • Description Produce the O_Valid, O_Enable, and O_Ready signals for the pipeline controller.
      - O_Enable, and O_Ready are and combined from the C_Ready and I_CE signals.
      - O_Valid is the last bit of the R_Valid signal and represents the validity of the data in the last stage of the pipeline.
  • P_InternalFlags: ( R_Valid, I_Ready )
    • Description Produce the C_Ready signal for the pipeline controller, controlling the data flow in the pipeline.
      C_Ready is asserted when the data is available in the last stage of the pipeline and the external component is ready to accept data or when no data is available in the last stage of the pipeline.
  • P_ValidPipeline: ( I_CLK )
    • Description Shift the pipeline stages with R_Valid signal as placeholder to control the validity of the data in the individual pipeline stages.

Entity: PipelineRegister

  • File: PipelineRegister.vhd




  • Name: Pipeline Register
  • Version: 0.0.1
  • Author: Maximilian Passarello (Blog)
  • License: MIT

The pipeline register provides a simple way to pipeline combinatorial logic using the register rebalancing of the synthesis.

Core functions

  • Register rebalancing: The generic G_RegisterBalancing can be used to precisely configure how register rebalancing works.
  • Number of registers: The pipeline register instantiates a number of FFs corresponding to the generic G_PipelineStages.
  • Data width: The data width of the registers and the input/output vectors (std_logic_vector) is configured via the generic G_Width.

Register rebalancing

The generic G_RegisterBalancing can be used to set the Register Rebalancing of the Xilinx ISE. The possible variants are

  • no: Deactivates the rebalancing register.
  • yes: Activates the rebalancing register in both directions (forwards and backwards).
  • forward: Activates the rebalancing register in the forward direction. This causes the synthesis to shift and reduce a multiple of FFs at the inputs of a LUT to a single FF forward at the output of a LUT.
  • backward: Activates the rebalancing register in the backward direction. This causes the synthesis to shift and duplicate a single FF at the output of a LUT backwards to a multiple of FFs at the input of a LUT.


  • 0.0.1 (2024-03-24) Initial version


Generic name Type Value Description
G_PipelineStages integer 3 Number of pipeline stages (Correspondent to the number of registers in the pipeline)
G_Width integer 32 Data width
G_RegisterBalancing string "yes" Register balancing attribute
- no : Disable register balancing,
- yes: Enable register balancing in both directions,
- forward: Enable register balancing and moves a set of FFs at the inputs of a LUT to a single FF at its output,
- backward: Enable register balancing and moves a single FF at the output of a LUT to a set of FFs at its inputs.


Port name Direction Type Description
I_CLK in std_logic Clock signal; Rising edge triggered
I_Enable in std_logic Enable input from Pipeline Controller
I_Data in std_logic_vector(G_Width - 1 downto 0) Data input
O_Data out std_logic_vector(G_Width - 1 downto 0) Data output


Name Type Description
R_Data T_Data Pipeline register data signal; G_PipelineStages stages of G_Width bits.


Name Type Description
T_Data Pipeline register data type; organized as an array (Stages) of std_logic_vector (Data).


  • P_PipelineRegister: ( I_CLK )
    • Description Pipeline register and connection of the data from the input port to the first stage of the pipeline register.
      I_Data -> R_Data(0) -> R_Data(1) -> ... -> R_Data(G_PipelineStages - 1) -> O_Data
  • P_ForwardData: ( R_Data )
    • Description Connect (combinatoric) data from the last stage of the pipeline register to the output port.
      I_Data -> R_Data(0) -> R_Data(1) -> ... -> R_Data(G_PipelineStages - 1) -> O_Data