
This is final project of retrieval information

Primary LanguagePython


This is final project of information retrieval

My team

Name Email Git
Phạm Xuân Trí 18521530@gm.uit.edu.vn Pxtri2156
Nguyễn Vương Thịnh 18520367@gm.uit.edu.vn ThinhNguyen209
Lưu Hoàng Sơn 18521348@gm.uit.edu.vn sonlhcsuit

Architecture code

File main.py

If you want to query one or more image, you will run this file. And, you can run file to evaluation.

Folder extraction

Folder of feature extractions for image : HOG, HSV-Histogram, VGG16, SURF, SIFT, DELF

Folder similarity_mesure

Folder of similarity measures : Euclidean, Cosine, Manhatan, IOU


Exactract feature for storage

To extract feature for dataset. You must run file extract_database.py.

  • input_folder: The path of folder image that need extract feature.
  • output_folder: The path of folder, where are save feature.
  • method: method feature extraction that you want to apply.
  • LSH: Assign 1, if you want to activate LSH.
python extract_database.py \\  
--input_folder <input_path> \\  
--output_folder  <out_path> \\  
--method <feature_method> \\  
--LSH 1  


python extract_database.py \\  
--input_folder "/content/drive/MyDrive/Information_Retrieval/src/CS336_Final_Project/data/train" \\  
--output_folder "/content/drive/MyDrive/Information_Retrieval/src/CS336_Final_Project/feature" \\  
--method "HOG" \\  
--LSH 1  

NOTE: If you are using colab, make sure you add '!' before the command.

Query image

To query 1 or more image. You must run file main.py

  • option: query or eval.
  • input_path: the path folder of query image.
  • output_path: the path will save result query.
  • feature_path: the path of feature dataset.
  • feature_method: method feature extraction that you want to apply.
  • similarity_measure: method similarity measure that you want to apply.
  • ground_truth: the path ground_truth. If you want to query, you can't enter this path.
python main.py \\  
--option="query" \\  
--input_path=<input_path> \\  
--output_path= <out_path> \\  
--feature_path= <fearure_path_saved> \\  
--feature_method=<extract feature method>\\  
--similarity_measure=<compute_similarity_measure> \\  
--LSH=1  \\
--ground_truth = None


python main.py \\  
--option="query" \\  
--input_path="/content/drive/MyDrive/Information_Retrieval/src/CS336_Final_Project/data/test"  \\  
--output_path="/content/drive/MyDrive/Information_Retrieval/src/CS336_Final_Project/data/valid" \\  
--feature_path="/content/drive/MyDrive/Information_Retrieval/src/CS336_Final_Project/feature" \\  
--feature_method="HOG" \\  
--similarity_measure="cosine" \\  
--LSH=1  \\
--ground_truth = None

Demo (for colab only)

If you are not using colab, so change the setup.sh file. Must done, change feature_path in setup.sh into your feature_path.

for colab users, just run (make sure you had mounted drive & data already existed)

bash /content/CS336_Final_Project/setup.sh
python3 app.py -ng 1