
This repository contains all the submitted patch files of the various tasks assigned by Prodigy InfoTech Machine Learning Internship

I have worked on the following tasks during the internship

1. Implement a linear regression model to predict the prices of houses based on their square footage and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.

Click here to see Task-1

2. Create a K-means clustering algorithm to group customers of a retail store based on their purchase history.

Click here to see Task-2

3. Implement a support vector machine (SVM) to classify images of cats and dogs from the Kaggle dataset.

Click here to see Task-3

4. Develop a hand gesture recognition model that can accurately identify and classify different hand gestures from image or video data, enabling intuitive human-computer interaction and gesture based control systems.

Click here to see Task-4

5. Develop a model that can accurately recognize food items from images and estimate their calorie content, enabling users to track their dietary intake and make informed food choices.

Click here to see Task-5

My Certificate of Completion


My Letter of Recommendation
