
Its a simple code in python that takes the coordinates of the location and generates a html file that shows the map view of the coordinates given.

Primary LanguagePython

Its a very simple and small code using two functions only, about which we will talk in details later. First lets get started with the pre-requisites.


-folium: Folium is a powerful Python library that helps you create several types of Leaflet maps. The fact that the Folium results are interactive makes this library very useful for dashboard building

Installing libraries

 pip install folium

*Now lets get started with code

Importing libraries

 import folium

Taking coordinates

 locate = folium.Map(location=[longitude,latutude])

Here 'locate is the name given to the location whose coordinates are fetched using folium.map() function. The user needs to fulfil longitude and latitude respectively before running the program.

Saving as HTML file


Locate is saved using the save() function in a custom HTML file (here named as location1.html)