CERN PyHEADTAIL macro-particle code for simulating beam dynamics in particle accelerators with collective effects.
- 0
installing PyHeadtail on MacOS
#161 opened by bdeeesh - 0
Beta dependence in transverse resistive wall wake
#158 opened by DavidPost-1 - 2
Windows installation failure
#136 opened by alaut - 3
```aperture_cython``` seems not to be used
#146 opened by lmether - 1
- 3
Python 3.8 gives a warning on string comparisons
#116 opened by giadarol - 5
Obsolete features (to be removed?)
#110 opened by lmether - 2
SyntaxWarnings when running in Python 3.8
#108 opened by giadarol - 1
alpha_x and alpha_y in synchrotron
#109 opened by giadarol - 1
gitignore cleanup
#123 opened by aoeftiger - 1
Add sphinx procedure to
#126 opened by aoeftiger - 1
GPU version is not properly packaged
#137 opened by matsievskiysv - 2
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- 0
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NaN emittance for dp/p == 0
#102 opened by aoeftiger - 0
Matching of transverse Gaussian distribution
#94 opened by lmether - 0
Improve handling of slice statistics
#95 opened by lmether