
Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


live art live coding sandbox for pycamp



pip install shoebot

sbot shoebot/circle_circle.bot



this can't be quick.

what worked:

Install or connect to a supercollider server (**hard**), even 3.10

on a virtualenv

pip install FoxDot

run FoxDot it should say 'connected to supercollider' and if you send p1 >> play('-x-o')

maybe I did this

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys FABAEF95
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:supercollider/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install supercollider-ide

once you're more advanced you can start it headless and use any client and just the FoxDot server.

sclang sc-foxdot-visual.scd
python3 foxdot-server.py

and then some live editor that sends commands to foxdot or simply run

from FoxDot import *
p1 >> pads([0, 1, 2, 3])
d1 >> play("x-o-")

but for live coding, the vscode extension FoxDot v0.0.5 yasuyuky also worked for me. control+shift+p to start foxdot, super+enter to send codeblock

but there are many others



brainstorm options

pyprocessing 3.5.4 with python mode -- getting started


godot gdcsript

showbot pip install shoebot

promap para mapear

run with sbot somesbotscript.bot e.g.

from math import sin, cos, log10

size(400, 800)

cX = random(1, 10)
cY = random(1, 10)

x = 200
y = 54

for i in range(278):
    x += cos(cY) * 11
    y += log10(cX) * 1.85 + sin(cX) * 5

    fill(random() - 0.4, 0.8, 0.8, random())

    s = 10 + cos(cX) * 15
    oval(x - s / 2, y - s / 2, s, s)
    # Try the next line instead of the previous one to see how
    # you can use other primitives.
    # star(x-s/2, y-s/2, random(5, 10), inner=2+s*0.1, outer=10+s*0.1)

    cX += random(0.25)
    cY += random(0.25)

brainstorm ideas

we could live stream to a central server with OBS


[https://pypi.org/project/processing-py/](processing-py from pypi, cli only)


supercollider also available via linux repositories


sclang sc-foxdot-visual.scd
python3 foxdot-server.py

And then something to run foxdot commands

vim ./crt-live-coding -e vim and then :!source ~/code/crt-live-coding/vimrc, or place this to your vimrc

vnoremap <silent> <CR> y:call system('nc localhost 7088 -w 0', @")<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <CR> :call system('nc localhost 7088 -w 0', getline('.'))<CR>
:set filetype=python
syntax on
highlight EndOfBuffer ctermfg=black ctermbg=black
set shortmess=at

That way every time you press enter on normal mode, the line will be sent to the FoxDot server

Atom FoxDOt plugin also works well, and there's also an extension for vscode (untested)