
Scripts for setting up a JupyterHub server with NbGrader and Raven authentication

Primary LanguagePython

JupyterHub Server

Links to Server Setup Guide

Markdown PDF

Don't mess with the folder structure of /parent or the file layout in /parent/server




  1. Investigate crons not working? serverguide

  2. documenting source code

  3. update guide/setup.pdf


  1. Raven auth to Pypi so can be updated without git. (Niall) Reflect in autosetup.sh and guide.

  2. Output to log files

  3. nbgrader documentation and setup in autosetup.sh server_setup_guide.md

  4. whitelisting by course tis library

  5. admin users access to /home/public/users top level user folders customise dockerSpawner.py?


  1. Total update script, updatescripts, updatecontainers, updatenotebooks.sh, triggerbuild? cron triggerbuild add to autosetup and server _guide setcustomparent and updatescripts

  2. fix url highlighting for pdfgen

  3. Finish server_setup_guide.md updatescripts section

  4. fix formatting when outputting to pdf

  5. Move global scripts into ./global/

  6. updatescripts.sh backup.sh set up?

  7. improve Auto set up demonstration server script autosetup.sh implement checks

  8. in guide explain how to use local users instead of docker containers? not planned for now

  9. Use relative paths in scripts, (custom notebooks and user folders location?)

  10. make update server files script that pulls github repo and customises jupyterhub_config.py(only for Raven usage)

  11. stopping server nicely

  12. Add 404 page to demo website

  13. add uptime in running containers list

  14. improve demo website

  15. make server stats easier to view

  16. fix nokill flag

  17. finish idlechecks and checks for containers exceeding fair use in killidle.py

  18. jupyterhub customisation (logos)

  19. folder restructuring

  20. make jupyterhub_config.py authentication type flaggable (not tested)

  21. backup of /home/public/users backup.sh

  22. updating software script(remove containers, docker pull jordanosborn/pycav periodically and pycav repos) update.sh